Jiang Lao fell to the ground with an unwilling expression. However, his sternum was broken and he could not get up at all.

Ye Yiren and others did not expect that even Jiang Lao had also lost, and their faces showed despair.

Just then, long Xuelan wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, looked at the three Miyai Ichiro and said:

"You let them go, and I'll serve you!"

"Xuelan, what are you talking about? No, it's absolutely not!"

The girls were stunned at first, and then Su Xi ran hurriedly said.

"Yes! Sister Xue LAN, it's a big deal to die. There's no need to give in to them!" Leng Hanyan also said.

The other women nodded.

Among them, several of them are not very familiar with each other, especially anxieyao, who met several of them for the first time.

But at this moment, it seems that she really became a sister and wanted to die together!

"Listen to me!"

Long Xuelan shook her head, and then walked towards Miyai Ichiro.

"Let's listen to Xuelan! It's better to have an accident alone than to have an accident with everyone!"

At this time, yeyi people suddenly said.

The other women were stunned. Unexpectedly, ye Yiren said such cruel words, but then they seemed to be aware of something and didn't speak again.

"Ha ha! Why, do you want to serve the three of us alone?"

"Jie Jie! Three men and one woman can just play!"

"If Mr. Miyai and Mr. Yamaguchi don't mind, why don't we play with this cheongsam beauty?"

When Ichiro Miyai saw long Xuelan coming, their faces were full of obscene smiles.

Lu Yue stared at long Xuelan hotly.

The woman in cheongsam was as beautiful as an ancient painting, which made his heart beat faster.

Of course, none of them paid attention to what long Xuelan had just said.

It is impossible to let other women go for the sake of long Xuelan!

"How do you want me to serve, with my mouth?" When long Xuelan came not far from the three, he suddenly said.

Lu Yue smiled and said, "mouth? No problem! Haha, why don't you use your mouth here to serve me now?"

"Does my mouth look good?" said long Xuelan

At this time, Ichiro Miyai could not help saying, "good looking! Your face is so beautiful!"

"Does my tongue look good?"

Long Xuelan smiled and opened her mouth slightly.

She was an iceberg goddess who never smiled. Her smile was like a hundred flowers blooming. Both Miyai Ichiro and LV Yue were stunned.

However, at this moment, a golden streamer suddenly appeared from her mouth and shot at Ichiro Miyai.

"Tongue? Ah! What is this?"

Lu Yue was so scared that he sat down on the ground.

When Ichiro Miyai saw the golden streamer, the obsessed smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and Yin measured:

"I'm waiting for your own life! Mr. Yamaguchi, please!"

Almost at the same time.

A clang.

Yamaguchi Shengping, who was standing nearby with a slight squint, pulled out his samurai sword and chopped in front of Ichiro Miyai. It seemed that the blade had disappeared!


The samurai sword seemed to strike the iron block, making a clear sound.


At the same time, a shrill strange cry sounded, and a strange shaped insect fell to the ground.

This insect is golden, with a golden armor like shell, a pair of transparent wings, a body like an insect, and a pair of ferocious teeth on its head!

It fell to the ground, directly vomited a few mouthfuls of golden blood, twitched a few times, and then there was no sound.


At the same time, long Xuelan suddenly spewed out a big mouthful of blood. Then he fell to the ground without any blood on his face. There was no movement!

"Well, what's the matter?" Lu Yue said in surprise.

Yeyiren and other women were shocked and hurried to longxuelan's side.

Su Xi ran held long Xuelan's head and said in panic, "Xuelan! What's the matter with you? Don't scare me. What's the matter with you?"

However, long Xuelan had no reaction at all, and her breathing became weaker and weaker.

"Stop yelling! She'll be dead soon!"

Miyai Ichiro sneered: "this bitch, I knew she would use her own life poison. Fortunately, I called Yamaguchi too. Otherwise, it would be really miserable!"

He also investigated the data of long Xuelan.

The original life Gu in long Xuelan's body is called golden silkworm Gu, which is poisonous and terrifying. Even if he is a congenital peak, if he is bitten by this golden silkworm Gu, his whole body will fester and die in a short time.

Moreover, the golden silkworm insect is so fast that he is not sure he can handle it.

That's why he brought Shengping Yamaguchi here.

Yamaguchi Shengping's Sabre is famous for its quickness. It can be said that it is the enemy of this kind of insect.

With him, he is not afraid of long Xuelan using the golden silkworm!

Now that the golden silkworm Gu is dead, long Xuelan, the host, is not far away from death!

"It's a pity that there is one less woman who can play. But although she is beautiful, she is full of poisons. I don't know if she also has poisons in her body. It's better not to play around. If she dies, she will die."

Miyai Ichiro looked at long Xuelan, shook his head, and said with some regret.

"Well, don't cry. Go in and play with me. Jie Jie, I like a woman of your size best!"

With a strange smile, Yamaguchi reached out to pull Su Xiran's hair, intending to pull her into the villa.

At this moment, his heart suddenly fell back!

Only a few cold lights flashed, but they didn't hit his hand. They were all embedded in a tree not far away.

"Silver needle?"

Seeing that it was several silver needles, almost all of them were embedded in the tree trunk, Shengping Yamaguchi looked towards the door of the villa and shouted angrily:

"Baga! Who dares to attack me?"

All the others were stunned by the sudden appearance of the silver needle!

"Baga! Who doesn't have eyes dares to attack those who are burning in the sun? Get out and die!"

Ichiro Miyai also glanced at the door of the villa.

"It's your grandpa and I! Little devil, you really dare to come here to make trouble! You want to die!"

There was a voice of horror and anger, and then two figures appeared in front of the crowd and ran towards this side quickly!

It's Lin Chen and Su man!

Lin Chen and Su man made a boat out of wood. Fortunately, they rowed for twoorthree hours and actually saw the coast, which is the coast of Yuehai city!

It is only hundreds of kilometers away from the cloud mountain villa.

He simply rushed over with Su man. With their current strength, they ran much faster than sports cars!

As a result, when we arrived at the gate of the villa, we saw the bodies of many members of the night Dynasty.

As soon as I came in, I saw that someone wanted to grab Su Xiran's hair, and long Xuelan's face was bloodless and had no movement. It almost blew his lungs!

The other party also claims to be the "sun's inflammation" person, where can he not know what happened!

What he was most worried about really happened!

This damned "sun's fire" really attacked the people around him!

"Lin Chen!"

"Sobbing... Brother Lin Chen!"

"Xiao Chen!"


When the girls saw Lin Chen, they were stunned at first, and then showed their ecstasy.

When Lin Chen came to them, the girls' faces were excited. Bai Lan couldn't help jumping into his arms and crying.

"Sobbing... Brother Lin Chen, I, I thought I would never see you again!"

"This guy is not dead!"

LV Yue was startled and hurriedly stepped back.

Thinking of the situation that Lin Chen had shot one eye directly that day, he still had lingering palpitations.

When Ichiro inouda and Shengping Yamaguchi saw that Lin Chen was not dead, they were also shocked.

However, there was no panic on both faces.

Seeing Lu Yue's face turned pale with fear, Ichiro Miyai shouted coldly:

"Baga! What are you afraid of? Even if he didn't die in the air crash, can you still live when you meet me and Yamaguchi? Just kill him later!"

Yamaguchi said indifferently, "just cut off his head and take it back to the organization!"

When Lu Yue heard the speech, he was stunned. The fear on his face also turned into a grim smile.

He suddenly found that he had made a little fuss.

With these two people, he doesn't have to be afraid of Lin Chen at all. Moreover, playing with his woman directly in front of Lin Chen and looking at him in agony, it was much more interesting than his death!

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