When the dragon king saw Lin Chen coming up, he immediately wanted to help.

He had been hit by Ichiro Miyai before and was at the end of his life.

Although he knew that even if he went up, the outcome would not change, he was not willing to wait for death.

However, as soon as he took his step, his face froze, as if struck by lightning!

A bang.

The sound of fists collided.

A figure quickly backed up, and finally even sat on the ground!

And this man is Ichiro Miyai!

Ichiro Miyai's face was a little dull. It seemed that he himself was confused by the result!

"This..." the Dragon King stared round.

Just now he was hit by Ichiro Miyai, and he immediately lost his attack power.

Therefore, Ichiro Miyai's Kung Fu can be said to be deeply experienced!

But now, Ichiro Miyai and Lin Chen collided with each other. It seems that they are not at the same level!

And Lin Chen

The Dragon King hurriedly looked at Lin Chen and saw Lin Chen's face was calm. He shrugged his shoulders and said faintly:

"Say you are rubbish, not worth my sword, but don't believe it?"

The Dragon King's face twitched a few times.

Yeyiren and other women had the upper hand when they saw Lin Chen, and their faces were pleasantly surprised.

Yamaguchi Shengping was standing beside Lin Chen, but his face was frozen and he even forgot to pull out the knife.

He was waiting. Lin Chen was flustered by Ichiro Miyai's fist and lost his focus. Then he drew his knife at that interval.

But the result was completely different from what he thought!

It was Ichiro Miyai who was beaten back and forth and lost his focus!

You know, besides being good at assassination, ninjas are also excellent at close combat.

Miyai Ichiro's physical strength and arrogance, Yamaguchi Shengping is also self lamenting Furu.

But the result was that Lin Chen was so embarrassed by his fist.

Yamaguchi's eyes were suspicious. He looked back at Ichiro Miyai. He was still a little unbelievable.

However, the surprise lasted for a moment.

The next moment, without any hesitation, he pulled out his knife and cut Lin Chen's throat!


You can hardly see the silver light.

The body of the samurai sword seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

Draw a knife!

Yamaguchi's Sabre drawing skill is undoubtedly much more powerful than Tanaka CHENBA, whom Lin Chen met before!

The supreme state of the art of drawing a knife is to draw a knife without seeing it.

From pulling out the scabbard to pulling in the scabbard, you can make the enemy's head fall to the ground without seeing the blade.

This is the essence of knife drawing.

In the final analysis, it's just a word!

Yamaguchi's Sabre drawing technique is the best.

This is also the support for him to traverse the martial arts and Taoism circles of the island country!

"Chinese, it's your honor to die by my sword!"

Yamaguchi's tone is arrogant.

Lin Chen did not move. In his opinion, he was no doubt scared silly by his own sharp knife!

His samurai sword was only a few centimeters away from Lin Chen's neck.

He seemed to have seen the picture of Lin Chen's head rolling down!

"Huaxia martial arts is just a joke after all. It is no longer worthy to compare with my Dahe martial arts!"

Yamaguchi thought triumphantly.

"Lin Chen, be careful!"

The Dragon King exclaimed.

At this moment, his heart almost stopped beating.

Yamaguchi's Sabre is too fast. The Dragon King has no doubt that he will be cut in two in an instant when facing this sabre.

His face was sad.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen survived to return, but he still couldn't escape to death!


Ye Yiren, Su Xiran, and other women lost their voices and shouted, and their faces turned white in an instant.

"Hum! Kill him like this. It's cheaper for him!"

Lu Yue said bitterly.

At this time, Ichiro Miyai has already got up. He shakes his bone and feels his right hand is cracked. He stares at Lin Chen.

He didn't expect Lin Chen's power to be so terrible. He thought the other party should be born with divine power.

"Baga! Damn it, Chinese, when I play with your woman, I must put your head aside and keep my eyes on your woman!"

He cursed and thought it was too humiliating to be beaten back by Lin Chen just now.

However, at this time, he thought that Lin Chen was going to die in the hands of Yamaguchi Shengping. He could only think of taking out his anger with Lin Chen's woman.

The next second, everyone with different faces turned into the same expression.

All of them are wide eyed. They suspect that they have seen hallucinations!

The Chins of Ichiro Miyai and LV Yue almost fell to the ground.

Lin Chen, who seemed to be scared silly, suddenly reached out in front of his neck and grabbed it!

At this moment, his hand seemed to be missing, too fast to see clearly.

The next moment.

Yamaguchi Shengping's samurai sword appeared in front of Lin Chen's neck, only twoorthree centimeters from his skin.

But he couldn't go any further, because the blade was directly grasped by Lin Chen!

"Baga! How could it be! I don't believe it, how could it be!"

Yamaguchi's proud smile on his face stopped. His eyes stared round, and the corners of his eyes seemed to be torn.

At this moment, he felt like an invisible giant hammer pounding his heart, blowing all his pride to pieces!

What he is most proud of is his sharp knife.

Now, Lin Chen grabbed his knife with his hand!

In other words, Lin Chen's hand is faster than his knife!

Lin Chen's action, it can be said, is the real play to the extreme.

Grasp his knife, but not be hurt by his knife!

He has studied the technique of drawing a knife for decades. At this moment, it seems to have become a joke.

"Your sword is too slow. You really don't deserve my sword."

Lin Chen eyebrows a pick, tone disdain.


Hearing this, Yamaguchi Shengping could not help spitting out a mouthful of blood!

Bullying, NIMA is so bullying.

This guy smashed his pride, and he had to step on it again!


Lin Chen didn't talk any more. He forced his wrist. The samurai sword broke at the sound and became two pieces.

Holding a blade, he chopped off Shengping's left shoulder at the mouth of the mountain, so fast that there was no news.

It seems that the air can't catch this knife!

Yamaguchi shengpinggen could not have responded!

"This Sabre is because you broke into my cloud mountain villa without permission!"


Yamaguchi Shengping's left arm fell off, and the blood mist sprayed wildly!

Lin Chen didn't stop cutting the blade in his hand, and cut it off toward Yamaguchi Shengping's right shoulder.

The indifferent voice sounded again.

"This Sabre is because you not only intruded into my cloud mountain villa, but also attacked my people!"


Yamaguchi Shengping's right arm fell off and sprayed blood mist again!

Lin Chen put a blade on Yamaguchi Shengping's neck.

"This Sabre is for you, sun Zhiyan. Don't worry, you won't be lonely. Soon, other people of your Sun Zhiyan will go underground to accompany you!"


Yamaguchi's head fell, and his blood was almost a meter high.

His head fell to the ground and his eyes widened.

Lin Chen's action was so fast that he didn't seem to react. What happened.

Why is this man so much better than himself?


The audience was silent, as if time and space were still.

Lin Chen is holding a bloody blade, like a cold God of death. The blade is the merciless sickle of the God of death.

Because of the "heat of the sun", those innocent people on the plane died miserably. Lin Chen was furious. At this time, he was very cruel.

Lu Yue sucked in the cool air. He felt that his scalp was numb and his whole body was cold.

"This boy, how can he be so strong? It seems that he is much stronger than before!"

The Dragon King's pupils contract, which is unbelievable.

Ye Yiren and other women thought Lin Chen couldn't beat each other. At this time, seeing him, they cut each other into several sections, almost unable to react.

"Dead, dead?"

Ichiro Miyai looked at Yamaguchi's head on the ground and shook violently.

The next moment, without any hesitation, he turned and ran away!

His strength can't compare with others. As for the speed of shooting, even Yamaguchi's Sabre can't compare with others. How dare he go to fight with Lin Chen.

At this point, he just wanted to run away quickly and take the news back to the organization!

"Baga! Damn it, damn it! How can this boy be so strong? He's probably no worse than Qinchuan! Now I can only look forward to it. He can't catch up with me!"

At this moment, almost all of Miyai's potential was squeezed out, and he ran as fast as the wind.

As a ninja, he is very confident about his speed.

Just then.

Boom! Behind him came the sound of thunder.

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