"Originally, the role of the iron net is to prevent ordinary people from passing by."

At this time, Lin Chen looked at the iron net in front of him and knew its usefulness.

For ordinary people, their jumping ability is basically no more than one meter, and their height is no more than three meters.

The five meter high iron net with iron spikes is equivalent to a wall separating ordinary people from ancient warriors.

Since it is the ancient martial arts Congress, ordinary people will not be allowed to enter!

Lin Chen smiled faintly and kicked at his feet. He flew up like a ROC in the same place. He looked understated. Soon, he fell to the other side of the iron net and walked towards the front.

Where he is, he is still sevenoreight meters away from the iron net.

And ouyangqian and others run up to the front of the iron net and then jump over, which is basically a dual realm!


It falls on the hillside of Yanfeng mountain.

Xuexiao mountain villa.

The villa was built by xuexiao sect at an unknown time. It covers a huge area and can be called luxurious. It is just like the royal residence in ancient times.

If this ancient martial arts conference was not held here, no one even knew that there was such a villa hidden on Luoyan peak.

At this time, there was a lively scene in the villa courtyard.

Many people looked at the three people in the middle of the yard with a look of watching the excitement.

A young man stopped in front of the two women and smiled, but he wouldn't let them leave.

In the two women, directly opposite the youth, is a tall black long straight imperial sister with exquisite face, long hair and waist.

Her temperament was cold, and she was staring at the young man in front of her.

This woman is qinchangxi, a member of the dragon group.

Qin Changxi is in a bad mood these two days because she already knows the news of Lin Chen's death.

She originally thought that although she was somewhat ambiguous with Lin Chen, she was also said to be his warm bed servant girl, but he was not very close to her after all.

But when she heard the news of Lin Chen's death yesterday, she just felt her head was booming. She was really confused.

At that moment, she knew that this man was not light in her heart.

This trip to xuexiao sect brought many people to the dragon group.

One of the little sisters, who had a good relationship with her, saw that she was in a depressed mood, so she dragged her around the villa to let her relax.

But unexpectedly, he was stopped by the young man in front of him and wouldn't let them leave.

"Shentu Hao, what the hell are you doing? Get out of my way now and get out of our way!"

Qin Changxi glared at the youth road.

The young man shrugged and said with a smile:

"Chang Xi, what I told you, you'd better think about it. Quit the dragon group and become my woman. You Qin family can also depend on our Shentu family. This is definitely the best choice for you!"

The onlookers around were also from the ancient martial arts world. Hearing what shentuhao said, many people turned pale and began to talk about it.

"What does Shentu Hao mean? Is it arrogant to openly dig up the dragon group?"

"It's not like poaching people, is it? This woman is very beautiful. Shentu Hao is the young master of Shentu family, one of the four ancient martial arts families. It's not surprising that she should be included in the house!"

"This woman's name is Qin Changxi. She is from the Qin family of Mingzhu. The Shentu family is the first ancient martial family in Mingzhu. If she can follow Shentu Hao, it is really a good choice for her and her family!"

"What do you know? This woman is not an ordinary person. According to the information I heard, she seems to be the dead dragon tooth woman!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone else was surprised.

If Qin Changxi is really dragon Fang's woman, shentuhao will snatch his woman just after dragon Ya dies. This is really the face of the Dragon beating group!

After all, dragon Fang is a special existence of the dragon group!

Someone sneered:

"The dragon group? The dragon group has been dead for a long time! Now that the Dragon tooth body is dead, there is an old Dragon King left. Who will take this dragon group seriously?"

Another person echoed: "indeed, as far as I know, the dragon group has been ranked last in the latest ranking of special institutions of large countries!"

Soon, everyone agreed.

That is, the dragon group has declined, and the Shentu family has no doubt ignored the dragon group!

These words also reached the ears of Qin Changxi and Shentu Hao.

A smile flashed in shentuhao's eyes.

Qin Changxi and the round faced girl beside her were indignant but helpless.

Lin Chen died, and the influence of the dragon group plummeted. Although they were unwilling to admit it, this was the truth.

Qin Changxi glared at Shen Tu Hao and said in a cold voice, "I repeat, I don't feel anything about you, and I will never quit the dragon group. Get out of my way right away!"

Shentuhao's face sank slightly when he heard the speech.

He blocked Qin Changxi's way. In addition to thinking about it, he actually took a fancy to Qin Changxi.

In his opinion, both his strength and family background are fully worthy of Qin Changxi. It's not too much to say that Qin Changxi has climbed high.

As a result, he was annoyed that the woman was so disrespectful.

Just as he was about to attack, a seductive voice came from a distance.

"Oh, Shentu is confessing to beauty Qin again. How is it? Is she willing to accept you this time? Can we have a taste of beauty Qin tonight?"

With this sound, ouyangqian and Zhou LV came over with several attendants.

Ouyangqian said just now.

When she looked at Qin Changxi, a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

Although she has always been conceited about her appearance, she has to admit that Qin Changxi's appearance and temperament are better than her.

When shentuhao heard ouyangqian's words, his face was gloomy and he did not answer.

Seeing this, ouyangqian turned her eyes and said with a smile, "it seems that our Shentu has been ruined again."

As she said this, she looked at Qin Changxi and looked up and down.

"What are you looking at?"

Qin Changxi was annoyed by her look at the goods.

It's not the first time for her to meet ouyangqian. She doesn't like this coquettish woman at all!

Ouyangqian sneered:

"I'm looking at where you are so valuable. It's so difficult to play with you! Are you made of gold?"


Qin Changxi's pretty face was so angry that she didn't expect the woman to speak so harshly.

This is simply insulting her and scolding her for pretending to be high minded!

At this time, the round faced girl beside Qin Changxi glared at ouyangqian and said:

"Don't compare yourself with sister Chang Xi. She's not as dirty as you!"

Ouyangqian's face darkened immediately after hearing the speech.

She stared at the round faced girl coldly and said, "dead girl, what are you talking about? Believe it or not, I'll break your mouth?"

The round faced girl is estimated to be fourteen or fifteen years old. She looks cute and has a straight temper. Ouyangqian stares at her, and she stares back directly.

"I'm not talking nonsense! I'm from the Intelligence Department of the dragon group. Do you think we can't find out about your things? You still play with a few men. You're disgusting!"

The girl said and made a face at ouyangqian to help Qin Changxi find her place.

As soon as he said this, the onlookers looked at ouyangqian with disdain.

Since the girl is from the Intelligence Department of the dragon group, she dares to say so, so naturally there will be no fake!

"Dead girl, how dare you insult my reputation and seek death!"

Ouyangqian's eyes were venomous. She suddenly stepped forward and slapped the girl on the left face!


The girl was knocked to a stagger. Her small, round and lovely face immediately became red and swollen. Not only her mouth, but also her nose was bleeding!


Ouyangqian moved so fast that Qin Changxi had no time to react.

At this time, when she reacts, Xiaoyuan's face has almost been beaten red and swollen, with blood stains on her face.

Qin Changxi was so angry that her eyes turned red. She hurriedly pulled Xiaoyuan behind her, then glared at ouyangqian fiercely and said angrily:

"What are you doing? Why should you beat her? You are sick!" Ouyangqian, however, was still disdainful, with a high, Queen like appearance.

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