As soon as Lin Chen's words were uttered, everyone present was stunned, and then his face looked strange.

Ouyangqian's face sank, and then she snorted coldly. She didn't take Lin Chen's words seriously at all.

Not to mention that Zhou LV and Shen tuhao were there, but she was born at the early stage of her life, so she was not afraid of Lin Chen.

At this time, in her opinion, Lin Chen was completely nervous.

When Xiaoyuan heard this, her eyes lit up and nodded, "yes!"

Then she said in frustration:

"But I'm just the early days of the day after tomorrow. She's the early days of her birth. Even if I slap her, it's estimated that she won't have anything to do."

"What's the point?"

Lin Chen raised her eyebrows and said with a smile:

"If you don't have enough strength in your hands, just kick her in the face with your feet!"

Hearing this, the people were all black faced.

Kick your face with the sole of your foot. It's a pity that this guy can figure it out.

This NIMA is too cruel!

Not to mention what kind of kicking ouyangqian is, it is an insult. It is several levels stronger than hitting him with your hands!

"Good! I'll kick it!"

Hearing the speech, Xiaoyuan glanced at the hiking shoes she was wearing, and then nodded repeatedly. Her small face was shining with expectation.

Ouyangqian's face was like a layer of frost, and evil spirit appeared in her eyes.

Originally, she saw that Lin Chen was also a congenital strong man, and she looked good. She also wanted to make this man a minister under the skirt.

But now I can't wait to tear Lin Chen's mouth!

This guy wants that little girl to kick his face with the sole of her foot. Damn it!

However, she still did not worry at all, some just disdained.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't take himself seriously at all, Zhou LV squinted slightly and said angrily:

"Boy, don't really think of yourself as a character. Do you think you can do whatever you say? If you want to fight against my younger martial sister, first of all, you have to beat me! A congenital early stage is nothing in front of me!"

Lin Chen just made a move to steal the spotlight. Even Qin Changxi obviously looked at him with new eyes. At this time, shentuhao was also very upset.

He glanced at Lin Chen contemptuously. "It's good to step into the inborn realm at your age. But you don't deserve to be arrogant in front of us! Be honest and kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake. Otherwise, I will make you kneel down!"

His so-called "let Lin Chen kneel" means to break Lin Chen's legs.

With his cold and gloomy tone, everyone could hear his meaning.

"Stop talking nonsense. Don't provoke them. Try to delay. When the dragon group comes, they won't be able to deal with us."

Qin Changxi looked at Lin Chen helplessly, and then said in his ear anxiously.

Lin Chen's words, she just thought she was teasing Xiaoyuan.

Don't say it's Lin Chen. Even if the dragon group comes, it's estimated that Xiaoyuan can't get revenge for being beaten.

Both the Dragon King and Hong Tianxing are absent. Now, among the dragon group, the strongest one is just the middle period of congenital. There is no way to do anything about them, but to protect themselves.

Lin Chen smiled at Qin Changxi, then looked at Zhou LV and Shen tuhao and asked:

"Do you two think you are better than me?"

"Ha ha! Do you think you are better than me? You sit tight and watch the sky!"

Zhou LV seemed to hear a joke, and laughed out loud, mocking his voice.

Shentuhao smiled scornfully and even didn't bother to answer.

"It seems that you think you must be better than me."

Lin Chen was not angry and nodded.

Everyone was speechless to Lin Chen. In their eyes, Lin Chen was just talking nonsense.

Lin Chen looked at ouyangqian, who was also sneering at him, and said, "how about we make a bet?"

"What do you want to bet on?" Ouyangqian was stunned.

She seemed to think of something and said with a funny expression:

"Are you trying to be clever and gamble on something good for you, and then if you win, you will ask us to let you go?"

Her face suddenly turned cold. "Stop dreaming!"

Zhou LV was not good at staring at Lin Chen, and Yin measured with a smile:

"If you want to compare who can learn to bark like a dog and who can run naked in public, you'd better avoid it!"

His words made people ashamed, but they thought he looked down on people too much.

However, in fact, in their hearts, they also agree with ouyangqian's words.

Think Lin Chen wants to play smart to escape!

Qin Changxi is the same as everyone else.

She sighed and said in her heart that such a small trick would not deceive anyone.

Xiaoyuan was disappointed. Didn't she say that she wanted to kick the bad woman with her feet? How could it turn into playing smart and running away?

At this time, Lin Chen points to Lv of next week and shentuhao, looks at ouyangqian and says:

"Just bet these two people, can I slap one of them and slap both of them down?"

"Ha! What did you say?"

Ouyangqian looks at Zhou LV and shentuhao, then looks at Lin Chen. Her face is full of amazement. She simply thinks she heard wrong.

The air seemed to freeze.

The onlookers were also dumbfounded.

In their opinion, either Zhou LV or Shen tuhao can take care of Lin Chen, but Lin Chen says that he can turn over one palm with one, and all the palms with two?


It's so crazy!

People finally understand what is a real madman!

In other words, this is simply a neuropathy!

"Damn it! What did you say, boy? You are so brave that you deserve to insult me?"

Zhou Lv's face was furious.

He doesn't think Lin Chen can slap him at all. He just thinks that Lin Chen's words are just to show off his tongue and insult him!

Shentuhao's face was as gloomy as water. He suddenly looked at ouyangqian and said, "bet with him!"

Qin Changxi was shocked when she heard Lin Chen's words. She immediately asked Lin Chen to take back his words, but the next moment her face was decadent.

Even if Lin Chen was willing to take his words back, he would never let him go!

She said angrily: "he is very kind-hearted, but he likes to boast so much. Now it's OK. It's really troublesome!"

"You look good, but there seems to be something wrong with your brain!"

Ouyangqian recovered, smiled like a fool, and nodded: "OK, I'll bet with you. What do you want to bet on?"

Lin Chen pointed to Xiaoyuan, "if you lose, kneel in front of her and let her kick you in the face. If I lose, you can."

At this time, Xiaoyuan looked a little guilty.

Although she was naive and lively, she was not a fool. Naturally, she could see that this big brother who wanted to avenge himself could not beat others.

But now it is for her to bet with others!

Lin Chen was a hero in her mind.

But, after all, he is a hero who wants to die.

At this moment, she had some regrets. If she had known, she would not want revenge.

"Whatever we want!"

Zhou LV gave a grim smile. His voice was so cold that people trembled.

Ouyangqian heard that Lin Chen really wanted to kneel down in front of the dead girl and let her kick her. First her face sank, and then she nodded and said, "yes!"

Anyway, she doesn't think she might lose, so it doesn't matter how she loses!

"Since there is no problem, let's start!" Shentuhao said in a low voice.

Zhou LV looked at shentuhao and said:

"Brother Shentu, I'll take care of this boy. Does he really think he deserves to let us both fight together? Joke!"

Shentuhao nodded: "OK, then you can do it, but don't kill it directly, and leave it to me to vent!"

"No problem!"

Zhou LV answered with a smile, and then looked at ouyangqian and said, "look, younger martial sister. He said he wanted to slap me over? Then I'll turn around and slap him for seven orifices to bleed!" After his words, the ground under his feet made a roar, and the whole man shot at Lin Chen like a string arrow, almost to the extreme!

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