To ouyangqian's surprise, she just stared at Xiaoyuan viciously, and the girl kicked her in the face.

Although ouyangqian was born strong at the early stage of her life, she was strong and didn't get kicked out seriously, but her face was delicate after all, and her nose was kicked to bleed, with a black footprint!

"You! How dare you kick me!"

Ouyangqian first showed an unbelievable expression on her face. The next moment, she was about to be blown up.

The onlookers were also ashamed. They said that the little girl was cute, but they didn't show mercy at all!

Xiaoyuan put her hands on her hips and gave a soft snort:

"I was hesitant. I thought it was too cruel to kick your face, but you are still so arrogant and dare to stare at me. I can't blame you!"

"You -"

Ouyangqian is really going to vomit blood with anger. I dare say she is determined to kick herself, or because she stares at her?

Lin Chen looked at Xiaoyuan with appreciation and said with a smile:

"Ha ha! I like the character of eating soft rather than hard. That's what our dragon group people should do!"

"Our dragon group?"

Qin Changxi and Xiaoyuan were stunned when they heard Lin Chen's words and looked at Lin Chen in doubt.

Lin Chen realized that he had said the wrong thing. At this time, he could not reveal his identity. He said:

"In fact, I have always admired the dragon group. I want to join the dragon group. Sometimes I have the illusion that I am a member of the dragon group. Don't mind."

Xiaoyuan quickly waved her hand and said with a smile:

"Don't mind! Big brother, you are so powerful. As long as you want to join our dragon group, we will introduce you to you at that time. There will be no problem!"

Qin Changxi did not think much, nodded and said:

"Xiaoyuan is right. If you really want to join the dragon group, I can introduce you."

According to the strength of the young man in front of him, as long as his origin is OK, the Dragon Group will not refuse.

Just when Lin Chen was about to answer, an angry voice came.

"Xiao Hao! What's the matter? Why are you hurt? Damn it, who hurt you?"

This voice contains anger. Although it is low, it gives people a sense of rolling waves, which makes people's minds buzzing.

"The genuine Qi is thick, and it is an inborn peak!"

Lin Chen had a preliminary judgment on the visitor for a moment. Turning around, he saw shentuhao beside him. I don't know when a man of forty or fifty years old appeared.

The man has a strong back, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is somewhat similar to Shen tuhao, giving people a sense of hegemony.

Many people turned pale at the sight of this man.

"Uncle Shentu!"

Ouyangqian saw him as if she had seen the Savior. She cried out in surprise, got up and ran towards him.

"Shentusheng, I didn't expect him to come so soon!"

"Shen Tusheng? Is he Shen Tusheng, the owner of the Shentu family?"

"Yes, that's him! He is an old-fashioned inborn top strongman. Although he rarely walks in front of people, he is actually very arrogant and overbearing, and very protective of his weaknesses. At this moment, the young man may be finished!"

"It is said that the last time another member of the guwu family hurt the Shentu family, it was just a fight between two younger generations, but shentusheng directly went to the door and slapped the other party into a fool!"

"This man has no idea that he can't bully the small with the big. He will punish whoever provokes the Shentu family! It's his son who was beaten this time. He's going crazy!"

Everyone whispered, and their eyes looked at Shen Tusheng with awe. When they looked at Lin Chen, they became sympathetic.

This young man can be called a genius in the ancient martial arts world, but now he has met the owner of Shentu family. If people want to bully him, he will have no way to survive!

"Let's run!"

Qin Changxi's face changed when she saw Shentu Sheng. She obviously knew something about the owner of Shentu family.

With one hand holding Lin Chen and the other holding Xiaoyuan, he was about to run away. He didn't dare to hesitate at all.

However, Shentu Hao on the other side has been helped up by Shentu Sheng. He points to Lin Chen and says something resentfully to Shentu Sheng.

The next second, shentusheng's face was angry. He looked at Lin Chen and shouted in a deep voice:

"Beat my son and still want to run? There's no door!"

Then, when Shentu Hao stood still, he almost turned into a shadow. The next moment, he stood in front of Lin Chen, Qin Changxi and Xiaoyuan.

His eyes stared at Lin Chen coldly: "boy, did you beat my son?"

"What if it was me?"

However, Lin Chen did not avoid his eyes at all. He looked at him with an eyebrow.

Shentuhao was one of the top figures in the whole Chinese ancient martial arts world. When Lin Chen faced him, he was still tit for tat.

This scene also stunned the onlookers.

Then, they all decided that Lin Chen probably didn't know what level of big man he was facing!

Qin Changxi's heart stopped for a beat because of Lin Chen's words.

In her opinion, although Lin Chen is much better than Zhou LV and Shentu Hao, he is not at the same level as Shentu Sheng, a veteran of the ancient martial arts world for decades.

Just when she was a little panicked and couldn't think out how to take Lin Chen away, a deep old voice came.

"Shentusheng, what do you mean by bullying me? Nobody in the dragon group?"

With the sound, the Dragon King Jiang Lao came with several members of the dragon group.

The appearance of Jiang Lao caused a burst of discussion.

"The old dragon king is coming!"

"What about the old dragon king? He's just a late inborn. He's not Shen Tusheng's opponent at all. OK!"

"Anyway, the old dragon king is the master of the dragon group. The dragon group represents the country. Shen Tusheng always wants to give him some face!"


All kinds of comments were heard, and old Jiang had already brought people to Qin Changxi and Lin Chen.

He first gave Lin Chen a suspicious look.

At this time, Lin Chen was wearing a mask. He couldn't recognize it naturally. He just felt familiar with it, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"Dragon King, here you are!"

When Qin Changxi and Xiaoyuan saw Jiang Lao coming, their faces showed joy.

Old Jiang nodded. "I just arrived. Someone said something happened to you here. I already know what happened. Don't worry. It's all right."

Among the onlookers, there are many ancient martial artists who have made friends with the dragon group. Naturally, they will go to tell the dragon group what happened here.

On the way here, Mr. Jiang has already understood the specific details.

He looked at Lin Chen with surprise.

If this man can easily defeat Zhou LV and Shen tuhao, he may have been in the late stage of inborn life, but he is so young.

When did such a proud man appear in the ancient martial world?

Although not as good as Lin Chen, it is also extremely rare.

He naturally wanted to break his head but could not imagine that the man in front of him was Lin Chen. He was just wearing a human skin mask.

Linchen sees old Jiang and smiles politely at him. However, he has no intention to tell old Jiang that he is Linchen for the time being.

Shentuhao was stunned when he saw that old Jiang was coming, but when he heard what old Jiang said, he snorted coldly, pointed to Lin Chen and said:

"Dragon King, what do you mean? My son was beaten like that by him, and he still hit his face. Do you think you will be all right if you say nothing? Where do I put the face of the Shentu family?"

As he spoke, he became fierce and looked at old Jiang coldly.

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw this scene. Unexpectedly, Shen Tusheng really didn't want to give face to long Zu!

Face old Jiang directly!

Jiang Lao's face was also gloomy, and his body was also full of terror, like a dormant dragon. He was about to get angry.

He said coldly, "shentusheng, don't think I don't know. Your son is here to find Chang Xi's trouble. It is estimated that you are encouraging him behind his back?"

Shentusheng suddenly felt puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean!"

Jiang Lao was too lazy to explain.

He already knew that the Shentu family was in collusion with the xuexiao clan, while the dragon group was always at odds with the xuexiao clan. That is to say, today's dragon group and the Shentu family are also on the opposite side!

It is inevitable that the Shentu family targets the dragon group!

Including ouyangqian, Zhou LV and others who are shadowing the sect, Mr. Jiang has guessed that they are all aimed at the dragon group!

Ouyangqian aside, hearing what Jiang said, saw that Jiang glanced at herself from the corner of his eye. She turned pale and stepped back.

This move made Mr. Jiang conclude that his judgment was correct!

Shentusheng was also beating drums at this time, wondering how old Jiang seemed to know that he was deliberately targeting the dragon group.

Is it difficult? Does the old man know the relationship between Shentu family and xuexiao clan?

Shentusheng was shocked.

Although the dragon group is now much worse than before, it has a special status after all, and it is not suitable to have a direct conflict.

Even if they want to help xuexiao clan deal with the dragon group, they can only do it secretly, not in the open.

Otherwise, if the state really sends planes and cannons to deal with them, the Shentu family and the yingshamen will have to fight like birds flying with eggs, no matter how powerful they are!

Suddenly, shentusheng's face changed again. Looking at old Jiang, he said in surprise, "have you broken through to the congenital peak?"

Jiang Lao's temperament is domineering and forceful. He is no worse than him!

These words changed the faces of the onlookers. They were all in an uproar!

Mr. Jiang didn't answer, but snorted coldly. At the next moment, his momentum was even stronger, and the air seemed to have become repressed!

Shentusheng is completely sure that the old man in front of him has really made a breakthrough!

His face stiffened.

When Jiang Lao was still in the late period of congenital, he was able to escape under the hands of the congenital peak. Now he has broken through the congenital peak, and his strength can not be underestimated!

However, Shen Tusheng was not afraid of Jiang Lao. After pondering for a while, he said:

"OK, today's business, I think it's up to you for your face, Dragon King! However, I can say first that I will certainly get back the face of the Shentu family!" Then, he turned his eyes to Lin Chen and said in a condescending tone, "boy, what's your name? What forces are you from? Do you have the courage to say it?"

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