Over the years, although xuexiao sect has been hiding, it knows all kinds of information about the outside world.

This is because xuexiao sect also has a powerful intelligence department.

The middle-aged man with a pair of ears is the head of the Intelligence Department of xuexiao sect.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said:

"The Xiaoyao gate and Chen Lin seem to have sprung up out of thin air. They can't get any information."

Shentu Sheng snorted coldly:

"It's just a congenital late stage. Why do you have to investigate so clearly and find an opportunity to kill it directly!"

LV Heng nodded and said without any concern:

"Since the investigation can't find anything, that's fine. It's time to kill him."

As for Chen Lin, he actually wanted to accept him.

However, looking at Shen Tusheng, it seemed that he had to kill him. Lvheng didn't say anything.

In his opinion, Chen Lin is just a small fish, and it doesn't matter.

Soon, they changed the topic and talked about other things.

Among them, there are even some details about the distribution of interests. It seems that the whole ancient Chinese martial world is already in their pockets.

After more than ten minutes, several people left the room.

Ouyangxiao, the sect leader of yingsha sect, is a tall, handsome middle-aged man. It can be seen that he must have been a beautiful man when he was young.

It's just a pair of long and narrow eyes, which makes people feel gloomy. When you squint at people, you can see people's whole body cold.

When ouyangxiao returned to his room, he saw his daughter ouyangqian waiting for him in the room. After closing the door, he looked at ouyangqian and said with a smile:

"Qianqian, look at your ugly face. What's the matter?"

Ouyangqian has washed her face. The footprints on her face have long disappeared. She has recovered her charming appearance, but her face is gloomy, which shows that she is in a very bad mood.

In fact, it's not so bad, but it's so bad that she wants to kill people!

She is the eldest lady who kills the door. She has always been a popular star. Today, she lost face, knelt down and kicked a little girl.

How could she endure such humiliation!

"It's not that damned Chen Lin, father. I don't care. Go and help me kill that guy now! And that dead girl named Xiaoyuan, I want her to die too!"

Ouyangqian's tone was venomous and her pretty face was ferocious.

Ouyangxiao is known as the first killer in the ancient martial arts world. As long as he takes action, it seems to ouyangqian that Chen Lin and Xiaoyuan will surely die.

Ouyangxiao didn't answer. He sat down in a chair, gave himself a cup of tea and took a sip. Then he slowly said:

"The girl named Xiaoyuan has no problem killing her. As for ChenLin and Qianqian, you should understand that if you really want revenge, is it too cheap to kill him?"

Ouyangqian did not understand: "what do you mean?"

Ouyangxiao smiled and said, "I remember you used to have several dogs."

Ouyangqian immediately understood what her father meant.

She did have a few dogs before, but they were not ordinary people's dogs, but men who were taught to be dogs by her!

"Father, do you mean to let me conquer this Chen Lin and then turn him into my dog?"

Ouyangqian's eyes also showed excitement, even some madness.

When you think about it, killing that Chen Lin directly is not enough to relieve her anger.

Let him prostrate himself under his pomegranate skirt, and then teach the humiliation well, and step on his face with his feet. That is the real antidote!

"That's right. Didn't you always boast that when you hooked your fingers, those men would kneel around you?"

Ouyangxiao smiled calmly: "Chen Lin is young, but his strength is already above Zhou LV and Shen Tu Hao. His future achievements may not be worse than mine.

If you can, take it for your own use and give it good training, you will definitely be a good dog that bites people. "

With that, he looked at ouyangqian. "Why, this time, don't you have the confidence to seduce this boy?"

"Hum! Of course there is. A man has that virtue. With my appearance and temperament, if I go to seduce him, I can't seduce him!"

Ouyangqian smiled confidently.

Although Chen Lin knew that her previous private life was chaotic and she had suffered from sexually transmitted diseases.

But so what? There are many people in yingsha who know about her private life.

But those men, do not they all want to climb into her bed and have sex with her?

She thought about it carefully. Chen Lin looked good, and his martial arts cultivation was so strong. His ability in that area must be not bad, but he was really a good candidate.

It meets her requirements for the best man!

Take it for her own use and become her right hand in the future.

"This man is actually a good choice for marriage."

Ouyangqian thought so.

Naturally, she doesn't really want to marry Lin Chen. Instead, she wants a proud husband to improve her status, and then continue to go her own way.

The thought of turning Lin Chen into a dog and putting on countless green hats made ouyangqian feel happy.

This is definitely the best way to retaliate!

I have to say, this woman is really vicious!


Xuexiao mountain villa covers a vast area. For those coming today, they will help arrange accommodation.

Lin Chen's residence is the same area as the dragon group.

After settling down, it was already dinner time. At this time, Xiaoyuan knocked on his door with Qin Changxi and wanted to go to dinner with him.

Lin Chen didn't refuse and went with him.

There is a canteen in the villa, which provides free food. The food is good.

After the three had cooked, they took a seat at random.

Many people in the canteen were looking at Lin Chen secretly, and then whispered something.

From time to time, there are words such as "Xiaoyao gate", "Chen Lin", "later congenital period" and "there is no doubt that you will die".

Obviously, the conflict between Lin Chen, Shen tuhao and Zhou LV has been spread among the public.

Lin Chen didn't care about these people's eyes and comments, and ate for himself.

Qinchangxi seemed not to like talking when eating. She chewed and swallowed the food in front of her. Her eating appearance was very elegant.

Coupled with her cool temperament and exquisite facial features, it can be called a beautiful place to eat.

Xiaoyuan was like a little magpie, chattering incessantly. She was very interested in Lin Chen, an idol, and asked all kinds of questions.

Lin Chen answered as soon as he could. If he couldn't answer, he would find a word to perfunctory.

After chatting for a while, Lin Chen also knew that Xiaoyuan's full name was Yuanyuan, which matched her round little face and round big eyes.

"Brother Chen Lin, you like sister Chang Xi, don't you?"

Yuanyuan suddenly looked at Qin Changxi and smiled at Lin Chen.

Qin Changxi is taking a small bite of vegetables and making a meal when she hears the words.

"Er... Why do you say that?"

Hearing that Yan almost bit his tongue, Lin Chen swallowed what he had in his mouth and looked at yuan yuan in astonishment.

Yuan Yuan said with a smile:

"I'm very smart. Don't think you can hide my eyes. You are the leader of Xiaoyao sect and have your own sect, so you should want to develop your sect. How could you want to join the dragon group?"

"You must be trying to get close to sister Chang Xi. Besides, although you are powerful, yingshamen and Shentu family are not easy to provoke. Apart from being a good man, you must fall in love with sister Chang Xi at first sight!"

Yuan Yuan nodded as she spoke, as if she thought what she said was very reasonable.

Seeing that Lin Chen was confused, she thought that the other party was being told the central thing by herself and said with a smile:

"Big brother, don't be embarrassed. Sister Chang Xi is the first beauty of our dragon group. It's not surprising that you like her." Qin Changxi frowned slightly, and her eyes fell on Lin Chen's face.

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