"I, guoyiyang, come to meet the people of your xuexiao clan today! In those years, my master and Shiniang were killed by the people of your xuexiao clan. I have been looking for you for many years. Now you shrinking turtles are not hiding! Hum! I will avenge them today!"

Guoyiyang looked at Xue Yong coldly and looked at LV Heng with a cold voice.

In those days, xuexiao sect committed all kinds of evil and had countless enemies.

Many people come here today to take revenge!

Guoyiyang's voice sounded, and many people in the audience were better off one after another, calling for the extermination of xuexiao clan.

However, LV Heng, the leader of xuexiao sect and Wang Yu, the deputy leader of xuexiao sect, were old gods, who didn't care at all and looked calm.

"Hehe, Brother Guo wants to misunderstand our xuexiao sect."

Xue Yong smiled and didn't care.

"Hum! You hypocritical villains, stop talking nonsense and fight directly!"

Guoyiyang was obviously grumpy, too lazy to talk nonsense. His momentum soared. Then he kicked his foot and shot at Xueyong!

The whole challenge arena was roared by his kick!

He was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he came to Xue Yong and hit him in the chest!

"The inborn early strong!"

There were many discerning people present. As soon as guoyiyang shot, people judged his realm.

They all looked startled.

I have been born at a young age. No wonder I dare to challenge the people of xuexiao sect!

However, to everyone's surprise, seeing guoyiyang's fierce fist, Xueyong's face did not change for a moment. Instead, he greeted guoyiyang.

If you don't hide, it seems that you want him to fight on purpose!

"You want to die!"

When guoyiyang saw that the other party seemed to be trying to resist his fist, he felt that he was looked down upon and was even more angry. He hit guoyiyang hard.


Xue Yong was hit with a fist 1

However, he was still motionless, with only a disdainful smile on his face.

However, guoyiyang felt that his fist seemed to explode on the steel, which shook his fist bones and made his face change greatly.

"After you finish, it's my turn now!"

Xueyong showed a grim smile on his face. In the next moment, he slammed a fist into guoyiyang's chest.


Guoyiyang flew out of the challenge arena like a shell. After falling on the ground, his body twitched a few times, and his mouth overflowed with blood. Then there was no movement!

His chest was sunken, and even bone spurs were exposed through the skin and flesh!

At this moment, the scene was silent, and many people took a breath.

Those who have been famous for a long time in the ancient martial world also look at Xue Yong with horror.

The strength shown by Xue Yong just now is actually the realm of the later stage of inborn, and even there are signs of stepping into the peak of inborn!

It is estimated that one foot has reached the inborn peak!

And Xue Yong seems to be less than 30 years old!

Xuexiao sect has such a genius that everyone is moved by it. Over time, Xue Yong will surely step into the congenital peak and become a giant in the ancient martial arts world!

Under the stage, the allies of xuexiao sect, including Shen Tusheng, ouyangxiao and others, all have bright eyes.

In addition to the sun behind the xuexiao sect, there is also such a genius with a deep foundation. They chose to join the xuexiao sect. It was indeed a wise move!

Ouyangqian's eyes are shining when she looks at Xue Yong.

At this time, in her opinion, Xue Yong was much stronger than Chen Lin, and was very attractive to her.

Unable to help it, she repeatedly winked at Xue Yong.

LV Heng was a little proud. Xue Yong was the first genius of his xuexiao sect. What he wanted to do was to shock the audience!

Xue Yong enjoyed the astonishment of the audience. He was also very proud. He endured for many years. Today, he can finally shine.

He looked around for a week, looked at guoyiyang's body and said with a light smile, "I just made a heavy shot. I really didn't expect Brother Guo to be so fragile!"

Many people are disgusted by the words of B.

But they just have the ability. They have nothing to say.

In the ancient martial arts world, life and death have their destiny when they step into the challenge arena. They can't blame others for being killed!

"I wonder if anyone else will come up and compete with me now?"

Xue Yong looked at the audience and smiled.

His words seemed polite, but his eyes were arrogant and looked like I was invincible.

Those who were eager to go up to find xuexiao clan for trouble were all tiptoeing. For a while, no one went up.

After all, Xue Yong's strength is beyond their reach, and he is ruthless to the extreme.

Killing is killing!

They are not fools. Even if they have a grudge against xuexiao clan, they will not go up and die foolishly!

It doesn't mean that all the people in the audience are inferior to Xue Yong, but those people are basically the strong men of the older generation, such as the Dragon King Jiang Lao. It's not easy to lose face and go up to fight with Xue Yong, a younger generation!

For a while, no one really went up to fight!

Xue Yong's strength undoubtedly shocked the audience!

At this time, Xueyong suddenly looked in the direction of Lin Chen, his eyes fell on Lin Chen, and smiled:

"Brother Chen, I heard what happened yesterday. Your strength is extraordinary, and I admire you. Are you interested in coming up to compete?"

His words seemed polite, but his eyes and posture were condescending.

Everyone knows that he is not kind.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Chen.

Shentusheng and ouyangxiao both had sneers on their faces.

The reason why Xueyong was against Lin Chen was naturally because of them. Now, as an important ally of xuexiao sect, LV Heng would still accept their request.

In LV Heng's eyes, Chen Lin was nothing but a mole ant.

Since shentusheng and others want to kill him, let Xueyong kill him easily.

When Lin Chen saw that Xueyong wanted to go on stage, he raised his eyebrows. Instead of panicking, he smiled.

"Don't go up! This guy is trying to kill you in the challenge arena!"

Qin Changxi didn't expect that Xue Yong would be angry with Lin Chen. After being stunned, she hurriedly looked at Lin Chen and reminded him.

"Yes, elder brother Chen Lin, don't pay attention to this guy. He is not kind!"

Yuanyuan's small face was also nervous. She whispered in Lin Chen's ear:

"I tell you, in fact, the xuexiao sect, the Shentu family and the yingsha sect are already in a gang. He just wants to deal with you on purpose!"

Old Jiang also looked at Lin Chen and said, "young man, don't pay attention to him. You are several years younger than him. You may not be worse than him in a few years."

Xueyong's strength just now can even compare with that of Jiang Lao, who has not yet broken through to the congenital peak.

Although Lin Chen defeated shentuhao and Zhou LV, they were just in the middle of their lives. Therefore, in the eyes of Jiang Lao, Lin Chen is still far from Xueyong's opponent!

Some people who just came here today soon learned what happened yesterday from others. They didn't expect that Chen Lin was young and already a congenital strong man.

However, in their view, Lin Chen is still far from Xueyong's opponent.

Xueyong definitely didn't mean well to let him on stage. He probably wanted to kill him!

At this time, Xueyong smiled proudly, stared at Lin Chen and said:

"If you don't dare to come up, forget it. But cowards are not welcome in xuexiao villa. Go away now!"


There was an uproar, and the scene was a little noisy.

Everyone didn't expect that Xueyong, who had pretended to be polite before, suddenly attacked Lin Chen!

Ouyangxiao smiled coldly. As long as this guy left the Dragon King, he would kill him immediately!

Xueyong's challenge was also arranged by them. They expected that Lin Chen would not dare to go on stage.

But the next moment.

"Why don't I dare go up there? Seriously, I can kill one chicken like you with one blow."

A disdainful voice sounded.

Everyone was surprised to see Lin Chen, and their faces twitched, because this was what Lin Chen said.

Xue Yong's smile froze. Then he became gloomy. He didn't speak, but his eyes were killing him.

"Chen Lin, you -"

Qin Changxi was about to hold Lin Chen, but Lin Chen jumped into the challenge arena and stood not far from Xue Yong!

"It's over!" Qin Changxi turned pale.

"Big brother, how can you go up and die? Are you stupid? Come down quickly!"

Yuan Yuan was so anxious that she almost cried.

Jiang Lao's face froze. Then he sighed and shook his head.

This guy actually went up!

Everyone, whether the enemies or allies of xuexiao sect, was a little stunned at this moment.

They did not expect that Chen Lin would actually go up to die!

Xue Yong stared at Lin Chen with a smile on his face, but his words were very insidious: "it seems that you are really in a hurry to reincarnate!"

He looks like a smiling tiger who only chooses people and eats them!

"Xue Yong, kill him. You are the best. Kill this guy with one blow!"

At this time, ouyangqian's face also showed excitement and shouted.

Shentuhao, who is not far away, is also looking at Lin Chen with a bitter face. He curses Lin Chen for being cruel and even runs to die. Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, looked directly at Xue Yong, and said dismissively, "why, I said you are such a vegetable chicken. I can kill one with one punch. Don't you believe it?"

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