Miura Ho was also stared at by Suzuki qianxia's cold eyes. He was so scared that he shook his head and said:

"No, no, no! Ms. Suzuki, it's just a misunderstanding. It's all a misunderstanding! I really don't know. This gentleman, he is your... Your master!"

Miura ho also turned pale and his legs were a little weak.

This Chinese can be called the master by Suzuki qianxia, so it's definitely an existence that he can't provoke!

He knows a lot about Suzuki qianxia.

This woman's means are so hot that she has been provoked by many people whose status is better than that of Miura and he, and all of them died inexplicably!

The rest of the crowd, looking at Lin Chen at this time, were completely different from before. They were shocked with curiosity and guessed Lin Chen's identity in their hearts.

They don't know how powerful it must be to become Suzuki qianxia's master, but there is no doubt that they can't provoke him!

All of a sudden, Kitagawa Qingmei and many other people who had been rude to Lin Chen turned pale with fear.

"He not only provoked me, but I have already said that he should disappear from the world."

At this time, Lin Chen's eyes fell on the frightened Sanpu Heye and slowly opened his mouth.

"OK, master, but this kind of person is not worthy of your action. I will kill him first and let someone burn his body tonight!"

Suzuki qianxia nodded and showed his evil spirit in his eyes. Without any hesitation, he suddenly grabbed Miura Heye's neck!

Next second.


Miura Heye's neck was directly twisted by Suzuki qianxia, and his body fell to the ground!


Many girls see this scene, first their eyes are round, and the next moment, they scream.

Some even sit on the ground and have incontinence!

The men, on the other hand, were trembling and scared to death.

They didn't expect that Suzuki qianxia was so decisive and ruthless, and even burned Sanpu Heye's body to ashes. This is just Lin Chen's words!

Lin Chen said before that he wanted to make Miura ho disappear from the world. They just thought it was funny, but at this time, it was creepy!


At this time, an old man knelt down to Lin Chen and begged for mercy in fear:

"Damn it, sir! I shouldn't have been mean just now. Please forgive me and don't quarrel with me!"

This old man is one of those who just made a sound to mock Lin Chen!

Seeing this, the other people who just disdained Lin Chen also hurriedly knelt down in front of Lin Chen!

"Dear Sir, please forgive me!" Someone kowtowed desperately.

"I have no eyes. Please spare my life, sir. Don't kill me!" Some people beat their mouths.

Kitagawa Qingmei was so scared that she quickly knelt down and looked at Lin Chen in awe:

"Lin, Mr. Lin, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything! I apologize to you. As long as you don't kill me, you can do anything to me. I'm willing to provide you with any service!"

"Hum! You deserve it?"

Before Lin Chen spoke, Suzuki qianxia's eyes were cold, but he kicked Kitagawa Qingmei down. At this time, the island star dared not say a word.

Lin Chen ignored these people. From beginning to end, these people were just clowns to him.

He turned to look at yemenghuang, Xia ningsi and kongbinhong.

At this time, the three of them looked at the body of Miura Heye and a group of people who knelt down to Lin Chen. These people were all big people in their eyes before, but at this time, facing Lin Chen was like ants.

"Lin Chen, you, you..."

Yemenghuang opened her mouth, but said nothing. She was really shocked by this scene.

Before, she knew that Lin Chen was not simple and had great skills, but at this time, she was still confused by the picture in front of her!

People are terrible. Miura Ho, a star of the upper class in the island country, actually lost his life because of Lin Chen's words!

In addition, this female slave of Lin Chen, Chien Xia Suzuki, is one of the top commercial giants in the island country. And looking at the fierce way she killed just now, she is definitely not just an ordinary businessman!

At this time, ye menghuang suddenly found that she still knew nothing about Lin Chen!

Xia ningsi was already dumbfounded and stared at Lin Chen.

She doesn't know how to express her shock!

The loser in her eyes has suddenly become a guy who is high above the world and makes a decision about life and death. It is beyond her comprehension!

Lin Chen's eyes fell on kongbinhong. Kongbinhong was so scared that he shivered. He immediately knelt down and said in horror:

"Lin Chen, ah, no! Mr. Lin, I have eyes that don't know Taishan. You, please let me go!"

At this point, of course, he knew that he was getting into trouble with someone he could not afford!

Even Miura ho died because of Lin Chen's words. What did he count?

Thinking about his previous performance, kongbinhong was so regretful that his intestines were green!

If he had known that Lin Chen was so powerful, he would have fawned on Lin Chen directly. There is no need to find Miura Heye!

Lin Chen saw him kneeling down, but he was even more disgusted. His eyes showed a murderous intention. He really hated this selfish and timid guy.

"Lin Chen, let him go!"

At this time, Xia Ning thought.

"He has abandoned you. Do you want to save her?" Lin Chen frowns and looks at Xia ningsi.

Xia ningsi's eyes were complicated and said, "he is really hateful, but he is not guilty to death."

Lin Chen nodded. Although Xia ningsi was a bit snobbish, it could be seen from her initiative to speak for herself just now, and her plea for kongbinhong at this time that she was still very kind.

It is also worth ye menghuang to treat her as a bosom friend.

"OK, I won't kill him, but I will always give him some punishment!"

Lin Chen said something indifferently, then a silver needle was shot into kongbinhong's crotch, and kongbinhong screamed.

From Lin Chen's point of view, kongbinhong doesn't deserve to be called a man at all, but now, if this silver needle goes on, he really doesn't have the function of a man!

"Kongbinhong, please go. From today on, we'll break up. Don't bother me again!"

Xia ningsi looked at kongbinhong and said coldly.

Although she pleaded for the other side, the performance of the other side just now had broken her heart. In any case, she could not be forgiven!

Kongbinhong also knew that it would not help. He had to run away with a sad face!

Sanpu Heye also died, and the dance could not be held. Soon, jiaheliu people came to take Sanpu Heye's body away.

For the rest of the matter, Suzuki qianxia made a phone call and said that someone would deal with it.

Next, Lin Chen takes Suzuki qianxia's car and sends yemenghuang and Xia ningsi back to the hotel.

When she was about to get off the bus, ye menghuang couldn't help looking at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, what exactly is your identity? Can you tell me?"

She really couldn't figure out what Lin Chen's identity was. He could even let such a figure as Suzuki qianxia be his female slave!

At this point, she naturally would not think that Suzuki qianxia really helped in acting!

How can a big man of this level pretend to be another woman's slave?

Xia ningsi also looked at Lin Chen curiously.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "you'd better not know too much. I came here to do something troublesome, and there are some powerful enemies here. What happened tonight may be known by my enemies, so you can fly back tomorrow to avoid more trouble!"

Yemenghuang looked disappointed, but nodded: "OK, I'll go back tomorrow!"

With that, he couldn't help asking, "are you going anywhere?"

Lin Chen said, "go to Shinto mountain at the junction of Kyoto and Shizuoka."

"Shendao mountain?" Yemenghuang nodded, but found that she had never heard of the name.

At this time, Xia ningsi suddenly wondered, "Lin Chen, what is the relationship between you and sister Meng Huang?"

She originally thought that Lin Chen was yemenghuang's ex boyfriend, but now it seems that it is not. Lin Chen is so powerful that he doesn't look like a man who will become his ex!

Lin Chen said with a smile, "friends."

When yemenghuang heard the speech, a trace of loss flashed across her face.

"It's not a boyfriend or girlfriend!"

Xia ningsi's tone is a little sad. Now in her opinion, Lin Chen is completely worthy of Ye menghuang. She also hopes that her best friend can come together with this powerful and mysterious man.

She turned her eyes and said, "then you are so excellent that you should have a girlfriend?" Hearing the words, yemenghuang hurriedly looked at Lin Chen. Her heart accelerated. The whole person was very nervous!

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