Lin Chen's words made tengmuguang and others' elated faces freeze, and then they were angry.

At ordinary times, they are all high above the world and worshipped by ordinary people. Now, the other side dares to look down on them so much!

"Baga! You idiot, think we have no absolute certainty and will lead you here?"

Hideki inouda's face was gloomy, his eyes were venomous, and he hated him.

Hearing the words of Hideki inouda, Fuji and others all smiled again and looked at Lin Chen and Suzuki qianxia jokingly!

This Chinese dragon tooth is really powerful. It's hard to say whether they can win him when they go together. However, with the protection array of Yihe, this Chinese dragon tooth is not a worry at all!

Just then, a strong smell of blood came into the air.

"What's going on?"

Suzuki qianxia smelled the smell and immediately looked out of the yard. He saw that the ground had been dyed red at some time!

Behind the red ground, there were a group of sneering Yi He ninjas, all staring at her and Lin Chen fiercely, including the old man who just led the way for them!

"This is human blood!"

Lin Chen also frowned, a little puzzled. At this time, what does it mean for the other party to throw human blood on the outside!

At this time, if you look down from a high altitude, you can see a circle painted with blood outside the yard, surrounding the whole yard. It looks very strange!

Hideki inouda smiled proudly:

"Next, let's show you the power of our island array! This is the 'blood shadow seven kill array' of our Yihe clan protection array. Today we will use this array to kill you, the Chinese dragon tooth!"

The other six also showed a bloodthirsty smile.

His words fell, and suddenly a blood red wind blew in outside the yard. Suddenly, the whole yard turned blood red.

The blood red is getting thicker and thicker, so that the naked eye can't see the scene clearly!

When Hideki Inoue said the "blood shadow seven kill array", Chiba Suzuki seemed to think of something. His body suddenly trembled and his face was a little frightened.

Lin Chen, without any hesitation, rushed toward the location of Hideki inouda, and reached out and grabbed at his neck!

However, he only caught an imaginary shadow!

"Ha ha! Baga, do you still want to catch me now? Dream!"

Hideki inouda's grim smile came from the blood mist!

His voice came from all directions at this time. It was impossible to judge his position!

In addition to his voice, there was also a sneer and sarcasm from tengmuguang and others. They all came from all directions. Lin Chen immediately frowned.


I didn't expect that there was such an array inside yiheliu!

He didn't think about this at all at the beginning, so he didn't observe the various arrangements in the yard!

After all, if you want to arrange this array against the enemy, you not only have requirements for the orientation of flowers, grass and rocks in the yard, but also need to rely on the power of heaven and earth!

Therefore, unless Lin Chen is a freak who can sense the aura of heaven and earth in his innate environment, otherwise, he must be in an extraordinary environment!

But he had never heard of the existence of the super strong in the island country!

Suzuki qianxia hurried to Lin Chen's side, looked frightened and said:

"Master, the founder of yiheliu, Tsusho inouda, was a figure hundreds of years ago. It is said that he is an extraordinary existence, just like a god!"

"It is said that he is also the array master of our island country. He has set up a clan protection array in the village of yiheliu, which can kill all the strong people in the extraordinary world! And this array needs to be urged by human blood and seven strong people!"

Her face was full of remorse.

In fact, she had heard about the clan protection array of ihelu by chance before, and even didn't think it was true, including the legend that igada zongxiu was a super strong man. She just thought it was spread falsely!

After all, things have passed for hundreds of years, and there is no way to study them.

Suzuki has never trained her as the successor of Kaga, so she can't touch many secrets!

Therefore, I never thought of this before!

Now it seems that the rumor is undoubtedly true!

If you can kill all the strong people in the extraordinary world, doesn't that mean your master is also doomed to die in this array?

Suzuki qianxia was a little alarmed.

"Array master of island country?"

Lin Chen was not afraid and hissed:

"Where are there any array masters in your island country? The skills of seven kills, eight trigrams, nine palaces and other strange sects are all learned from China! Since I have set up the array, I will see how I can break it!"

If it was Mr. inouda who came, Lin Chen might not be able to take him, but it was just an array, but Lin Chen was not afraid at all!

"Baga! Arrogant guy, go to hell! Array! Seven murders of blood shadow, kill all those who intrude into Yihe!"

The roar of Hideki inouda came from the blood fog. At the next moment, countless virtual shadows appeared next to Lin Chen and Suzuki qianxia, almost attacking Lin Chen at the same time!

Some seem to hold a samurai sword in their hands, some are punching, and some are splitting with one leg. They are all in the blood fog, and they can't really see it!

Lin Chen snorted coldly, pulled Suzuki qianxia down behind him, and then hit dozens of fists in a flash. It was so fast that he couldn't see clearly. All those virtual shadows were immediately smashed by Lin Chen's fist!

These virtual shadows are like light and shadow, which dissipate when they are broken, and then many virtual shadows condense again!

"Master, these illusions are false!" Suzuki qianxia glared and said.

These virtual shadows are in the blood fog, just like a person standing not far away. When attacking, they also make corresponding sounds. The fist wind roars and the sword Qi is terrible. It feels too real!

But I didn't think it was a real person!

Although Suzuki qianxia is also a congenital early strongman, she really saw this magical array for the first time.

Just because she knew nothing in her heart, she was a little scared at this time, and her face had turned white!

Lin Chen naturally knows that these false shadows are false.

In other words, most of them are fake. Hideki inouda and others should hide in these virtual shadows!

Suddenly, Lin Chen's eyebrows became pimples!

He carefully observed everything around him, trying to find out where the array eye was!

Every array must have an eye. As long as the eye is destroyed, the array will be dissipated!

Array eyes can be flowers, plants and trees, or people.

Soon, Lin Chen also had to admit that that Mr. inouda still had some skills. The eye of his array was actually seven people, such as tengmuguang!

Lin Chen must kill one of them before he can break the array!

However, this array has some blood fog and virtual shadow. It's hard for him to see where the other people are and how to kill them?

"This array is interesting!"

Lin Chen was not frightened, but smiled. It seemed that he had encountered something interesting.

His heart of martial arts is fearless and stronger when he meets the strong. In his dictionary, there is no word "fear". At this time, the situation he faces makes Lin Chen's blood hot.

While observing everything around him, his mind was running high, searching for all kinds of knowledge about arrays in the inheritance!

At the same time, there were still countless virtual shadows attacking him, but they were all blasted by Lin Chen's fist!

It was a pity that his fist was not enough to dispel the blood mist.

If you step into the transcendental realm and blow out with one fist, the storm will sweep through, and the blood fog will be dispelled briefly, so he can find tengmuguang and others!

This array can only deal with the existence in the extraordinary world!

Linchengang smashed the virtual shadow in front of him with another punch. The virtual shadow behind him rushed towards him, but it was a violent punch towards his brain!


The air is blasted!

The speed and power of this virtual shadow are not comparable to those just now!

Lin Chen's face suddenly changed, and he immediately dodged to the right. The virtual shadow nearly hit him on the cheek. The fist wind hurt his cheek a little!

"This is a real person, not a phantom!"

Lin Chen instantly had a judgment, and immediately his eyes opened and his right hand became a claw, snapping at the virtual shadow's neck!

"Ha ha! Baga! You can't catch me!"

There was a sneer in the air, and then when Lin Chen was about to catch the other party's neck, the other party disappeared in situ!

In the next moment, there was a loud noise behind!


Lin Chen's face changed greatly and he hurriedly dodged!


A silver samurai sword crossed Lin Chen's waist.

Although Lin Chen narrowly escaped, his waist was still marked with a bloody wound!

Almost, his whole body will be pierced by this samurai sword!

This virtual shadow is obviously a real person!

Lin Chen grabbed the samurai sword without any hesitation, but the next moment, the samurai sword suddenly disappeared again!

Like blinking!

"Damn it!" Lin Chen looked at the wound on his waist, and there was a fierce spirit in his eyes, like a beast that was about to be completely enraged!

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