At 2:00 in the morning, the Zhenming Building is still brightly lit, and the foot spa and bathing center on the first floor has not closed. This store has always been open until 3:30 in the morning. Supplies are provided, and many working parties who have finished their night shifts will choose to soak their feet and have a late-night snack before leaving. In the chess and card room on the second floor, there are two or three compartments lit up, and five or six people are sitting around rubbing mahjong and playing poker. The hair salon on the third floor has an ambiguous pink light projection. This is a very expensive black shop. It provides poor washing, cutting and blowing services on the surface. If you look deeper, you will find that this is an intermediary office. Girls come and go at night.

    The police station's private investigation agency S on the fourth floor, which is covered with a half-assed investigation agency, seems to be the most unprofessional. During shift work, there are a lot of people in the store from the first floor to the third floor, which helps to monitor the surrounding and grasp the information of the people passing by.

    Lin Zhiyun is the police officer on duty tonight, he is the confidant of Longcheng Police Chief Bai Yao, the person in charge of the archives, and the archives of the branch are in charge of him. The amount of theft was uploaded to the information database of the headquarters. As usual, he embedded the data U disk of the branch in the depression of the watch flip, ready to go off work with his colleagues and wait for the morning shift of the police officers.

    Outside the iron door that was half-pulled down in front of the glass door, a woman crawled in with a cat on her waist and had a face-to-face with Old Chen who had just cleaned up the trash at the front desk.

    Old Chen was a little surprised, took the garbage bag and said, "Daughter, why are you here so late, we are closing, just send WeChat if anything happens."

    Lu Zhiyu sat on the high chair at the front desk, put the bag on the round table, and said calmly, "I'm here to find Bai Yao."

    "Xiao Lin, what should I do?"


    Lin Zhiyun straightened the glasses on the tip of his nose, held a briefcase, and said to Lao Chen, "Miss Lu is not an outsider. The director said that if she asks, there is no need to hide it from her."

    The people in the organization have a good relationship with Bai Yao. They are all Bai Yao's colleagues in the Criminal Police Brigade. They are friends. Lin Zhiyun called the white team chief, obviously not joking.

    Old Chen breathed a sigh of relief, put away the **** that he was holding in his back, he sat graciously on the chair opposite Lu Zhiyu, and said with a smile: "Daughter, look for us What's the matter, boss, now we have to get off work."

    "You are investigating Du Yueze, and you are also controlling Liu Qingyu. You must know their whereabouts."

    Several police officers who had not yet finished get off work looked at each other, and after seeing that Lin Zhiyun hadn't left, they hesitantly sat back in place.

    "Bai Xirou and what secret operations you are doing, I don't want to know."

    Lu Zhiyu looked at Lao Chen with deep eyes, and said sincerely: "I just want to know everything about the person 'Bai Yao', and the person named Xia Xi ."

      I hope you can understand."

    Lu Zhiyu had no idea what to ask at first, she just wanted to see the reactions of these people, and then judge whether her speculation was correct.

    The members of the S club knew that Bai Yao was Bai Xirou, and they saw Bai Xirou's indulging in Lu Zhiyu before.

    Most of the scandals in the entertainment circle will also be passed on to them. Of course, they all quite understand the relationship between Lu Zhiyu and Bai Xirou.

    A few days ago, Han Yue returned to the capital angrily. It is said that Bai Yao rejected his third marriage proposal, and also said that he was **** and had a girlfriend.

    Bai Yao is about to run for the third time. With that tender little round face dressed as a girl in her twenties, he entered the entertainment circle. After investigating the details of Du Yueze , still refused to withdraw from the entertainment industry, but found a woman who looked a bit like Xia Xi's back to tie up the hype.

    Now she plans to finish the variety show before making a decision whether to leave the entertainment industry. She temporarily abandoned her original responsibilities. It is true that some fake dramas have come true.

    Lin Zhiyun's tense face suddenly showed a relaxed smile, he moved a stool and sat beside Lao Chen, and said, "Xia Xi is a graduate of the police academy's S24 class, and is my senior sister. , She is at the same level as Team White. She graduated five years ago. Later, our group of graduates selected the top ten to participate in secret training, and later... Xia Xi died in the line of duty, and was awarded the posthumous title. news for the martyrs."

    Lu Zhiyu's face was startled, and he said, "Xia Xi, is she dead?"

    She didn't expect Xia Xi to be a girl. According to the game's routine, Xia Xi, as Bai Xirou's first love... Shouldn't it be a boy?


      of powder.

      Bounced to the ground.

    Lu Zhiyu was immediately pulled by Lin Zhiyun and Lao Chen and hid under the cabinet at the front desk.

    There was the sound of the iron curtain being drawn outside the door, and the sound of small footsteps.

    Could it be that the organization point of S Company was discovered?

    What kind of **** luck did she have! Too bad.

    Lin Zhiyun is worried that these people are coming for him, and Lu Zhiyu's identity is special, her life and death are more important.

    He took off the watch from his hand, put it on Lu Zhiyu's hand, and said solemnly: "Miss Lu, the watch is a promotion gift from the white team, can I live now? If I die, return the watch to her and tell her that Lin Zhiyun thanked her for her support, and asked the director to add a martyr to take care of my family."

    Lu Zhiyu heard footsteps getting closer and closer, and it seemed that someone was rushing in.

    "I'll take cover, Lao Chen, take Miss Lu through the back door."

    Lin Zhiyun pushed Lu Zhiyu and Lao Chen to the door of the secret and dim fire road, took Lao Chen's gun, hid behind the wall and shot the thugs Fighting.

    Old Chen looked at Lin Zhiyun anxiously, and then looked at the innocent Lu Zhiyu who was involved in the situation, gritted his teeth, closed the door, and pulled Lu Zhiyu on the corridor to go escape.

    There are several thugs in ambush on the third and second floors. Lao Chen and Lu Zhiyu escaped from the Zhenming Building with their clothes on.

    Old Chen is getting old, he was in a hurry when he walked downstairs, and he lost his footing.

    Lu Zhiyu supported him and saw a bunch of people chasing after him, and Lao Chen's legs were broken again, she simply took Lao Chen's car keys and took him to the back of the car He took his seat, then started the car and drove forward quickly, throwing away the group of people chasing behind him.

    Old Chen sat in the passenger seat, the cushions under his feet were almost dyed red with blood.

    This is the first time that Lu Zhiyu has encountered this kind of thing, he is in a hurry, panicked and worried: "Uncle Chen, are you feeling okay now, I will take you to the hospital later. "

    Old Chen was lying on the passenger seat with a pale face and said, "Don't take me to the hospital, those people will catch up soon, you drive towards the Dongling Cross River Bridge, there There is less traffic, and the white team is also rushing there, I have sent an emergency notification, and someone will come to support us soon."

    He glanced at Lu Zhiyu's hand holding the steering wheel and said, "Daughter, I am old, even if I die, the first half of my life is enough, you are still young, Take good care of your things and be safe.

    Lu Zhiyu noticed Lao Chen's gaze and recalled Lin Zhiyun's exhortation. The attitudes of these two people were a bit too solemn. Could it be that there is something mysterious about the watch on this wrist? It is an important props?

    She is not worried about the emergency situation of being hunted down, now she has an immortal BUFF, if she is afraid, it is better that she is afraid of pain....

    She won't die, but she will still feel pain from a fatal injury.

    A few minutes after driving across the Dongling River Bridge, Lu Zhiyu's car was surrounded by four black sedans and forced to stop.

    Six or seven men wearing floral short-sleeves jumped from the car, and involuntarily fired at the car where Lu Zhiyu was, until one barrel of bullets ran out.

    The car is riddled with holes like deflated cheese, glass shards are flying around, and the bullet holes in the seats are like a hornet's nest, giving people a sense of congestive fear.

    The warm flesh was wrapped around her, and the **** mucus splashed all over her body.

    The gunshots stopped, Lao Chen used himself as a human shield to block Lu Zhiyu in front of her, and the corpse covered her body gradually cold, giving off terrifying corpse spots in the moonlight.

    The smell of blood filled his mouth, and the situation outside the car was completely unclear, except for the sound of countless footsteps that seemed to urge the ecstasy.

    For the first time, fear filled my heart.

    The men's watch on the wrist is somewhat obvious and obtrusive.

    Lu Zhiyu took the watch from her hand decisively. After observing for a while, she found a metal object in the depression. She took out the small metal object and found that there was no pocket on her body. .

    She hesitated for a while and pinched it in her palm.

    "There seems to be someone alive inside."

    The car door was opened instantly, and Lao Chen's body was kicked away and rolled to the ground.

    Lu Zhiyu was dragged from the car. Facing the moonlight, she dimly saw the middle-aged man who took the lead in front of her, a little surprised.

    Chasing them, the one who slaughtered the S club was Liu Rongheng, the deputy director of Xinghuang Film and Television Group.

    Her brain calmed down for a moment, then turned around quickly, Bai Xirou controlled Liu Qingyu, but it was impossible to be detrimental to Liu Qingyu, so Liu Rongheng's purpose of coming to S club was quite suspicious.


    Liu Rongheng and Du Yueze, their uncles and nephews, have been fighting openly and secretly for a long time for the control of Xinghuang Film and Television Enterprise. Could it be that it is because of internal disputes that Chiyu is affected.

    Liu Rongheng saw Lu Zhiyu with an unexpected expression on his face, Du Yueze's woman would run to the S club and mix with the group of police, which looked very funny.

    He knew that Du Yueze had the eyeliner of the black police in the police station, but he didn't expect that there were spies in the anti-drug special operations team, and it was his beloved woman.

    Lu Zhiyu was still suspicious about the situation in front of her. She knew very well that if Liu Rongheng was really sent by Du Yueze, he would not do anything to her, so she kept her Silence, without a word, waiting for events to unfold.

    Liu Rongheng has a face with Chinese characters, big ears as full as the earlobes of a bodhisattva, and a kind and honest face. look.

    He took a **** from the hand of a flat-headed guy next to him, shot it on the ground and tried it, then raised his hand and pressed it against Lu Zhiyu's forehead, With a look of pride on his face, he said, "Lu Chenhua would never have thought that the treasure he wanted to protect, not only once fell on my son's bed, but now he is going to die in my hands, so that he wouldn't help me back then, Instead, I went to make a wedding dress for Du Yueze, a white-eyed wolf, this feng shui turns, and the karma wheel should return unhappy."

    There was a dark light in Lu Zhiyu's eyes. Now Liu Rongheng's psychological defense is very relaxed, and he believes that she will surely die. This time is undoubtedly the best time to ask him something.

    Ignoring the muzzle on her head, she curled up tremblingly, seeming to gather up her courage, and said angrily: "You and my father know each other? Listen to your tone, it's you and Du Yue. Ze together to ruin my family! Demons like you should all go to hell."

    The woman's beautiful eyes trembled and widened, clear and bright, pure and unbelievable.

    Liu Rongheng looked at the woman, like a weak kitten and puppy, pitiful and lovable, he smiled and said: "What are you angry at me, Du Yueze killed you with his own hands Mom and Dad, you know the truth about a murderer like this, and you still follow him with all his heart, and do things for him faithfully. You said, shouldn’t a person like him go to **** together?”

    Lu Zhiyu seemed to be stimulated, pretended to lose control of his emotions, and said, "You are not allowed to say that to him, you are different from him, I believe Yue Ze, he has difficulties!"

    "You are so pitiful, I will tell you the truth before you die. Anyway, dead people don't speak."

    The muzzle moved from her forehead to the tip of her nose.

    Liu Rongheng said slowly with a little memory: "At that time, the three of us, your father Lu Chenhua, Du Ming and his son, and me, met in Longcheng smuggling goods. Your father Lu Chenhua originally opened a factory. Yes, he is the richest, and he is the best on the road. He is more loyal, and after having a listed company, one person gave us a sum of money to start a business. Later, as you know, Du Ming washed his hands on the gold plate on the road, Settling down in the capital, he started a food chain company. Lu Chenhua took over a large national-brand food company at the time and framed Du Ming's food company. Just when Du Ming's troubles worsened, his former opponent came to the door, A few members of the family died miserably, except for the only one missing, Du Yueze."

    "Your father Lu Chenhua felt guilty about Du Ming, so he tried his best to cultivate my nephew Du Yueze, and even let you study abroad with him. My nephew has always hated you and even wanted to destroy you, But they don't know that I actually did it all."

    "Du Ming's food company was reported by me. The daughter of that big national-brand food company fell in love with me. She divorced for two years and brought her son. No one wants to be empty. , I was in love with her. After working in that company for a few years, I just said a few tender words, and all the shares of her dead old man were in my hands. As her husband, of course I have to do something for her. Reward and reward, such as setting up a short name company, sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, and then taking these two companies into the bag together, hahahaha.”


    The trigger is pulled down slightly.

    Liu Rongheng looked at Lu Zhiyu's big stubborn and beautiful eyes, and said with a pity, "If you weren't a spy sent by Du Yueze to lurking in the police, I would think you The girl has a poor life and will spare your life."

    "Blame you men and women, why are they attracted to each other and want to fall in love."

    The gunshot rang out, the bullet passed through the forehead, the blood mixed with the disintegrated tissue and splashed on the ground, the woman's beautiful eyes were open, her hand tightly grasped the metal piece, and she leaned back. fell to the ground.

    The pain of her brain being torn made Lu Zhiyu lay on the ground and couldn't move. Her vision was dark, her nerves were all cut off, she couldn't think, and she couldn't see things. Fortunately, within three seconds, The bone-piercing pain that I had experienced was also cut off and disappeared.

    The bullet really shattered half of her head, but her heart was still beating, and the repairing effect of the immortal buff was a bit slow. It might take more than an hour for such a severe wound to heal.

    "Du Yueze's several strongholds were destroyed. He suspects that we have reported the secret."

    A male voice sounded vaguely in the air, it should be Liu Rongheng's confidant, and the dialogue between the two was very careful.

    With the help of Soul Sentencing Bell, Lu Zhiyu could hear clearly in an instant.

    "In the warehouse of G40, there are agreements and commercial secrets of the year. If he has the ability, he will force it. The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken. These evidences are enough for him to be sentenced."

    Liu Rongheng's voice is full of self-satisfaction, and it seems that the victory is in hand.

    "How to deal with it on site? Just let these two corpses dry on the bridge? "

    "Let's set the fire on fire, burn it cleanly, and let people rest in peace, just as the car spontaneously ignites and explodes."

    If it exploded, wouldn't she be burned to ashes, and it wouldn't hurt her to death. Fortunately, her brain was gone, and she couldn't feel the pain.

    Lu Zhiyu was startled when he heard it, and cursed in his heart, he kept the metal bar in his palm in his mouth while the group of people were not paying attention.


    The fire rose from the car full of bullet holes, and immediately enveloped the two bodies, engulfing them completely.


    Bai Xirou: Baby is late.

    Lu Zhiyu: Nothing, I can still live.

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