Chapter 1006 You can be immoral in this matter

Father Lu's face suddenly turned cold: "Do you want to say it or not? If you don't say it, then I will leave."

 Lu Jing actually did this on purpose.

 It’s very simple.

 He just wanted to put on a good show.

 After all, he knows that in the eyes of his old man, he has always been like a fool, and he has finally been able to pretend a little in front of his old man.

And isn’t there a saying that people should not act like teenagers?

Of course you have to show off, just show off well.

"You can just leave. Although I am your son, I am also an adult. Can you respect me a little bit?" But as he spoke, he saw the old man stand up and walk outside. .

Seeing the old man leaving, Lu Jing suddenly became anxious: "Hey, hey, hey, why are you leaving? I haven't even finished speaking. Don't you want to listen to my plan? You know that I really don't mean anything. As a child, if I become more powerful, I will be very powerful."

 When Lu Jing said this, he did not forget to pull the old man.

When Father Lu saw Lu Jing like this, he was as disgusted as he could be.

 Originally, when Father Lu saw Lu Jing like this, he really thought that Lu Jing could do something.

  After all, as a father, who doesn’t want his son to become better?

 But as far as Lu Jing was concerned, it was obviously impossible.

 Since it’s impossible, then why waste time here.

“I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you everything, dad, don’t leave, I’ll tell you properly.” Then Lu Jing told everything that happened during this period.

 After finishing speaking, Lu Jing's face was as proud as he wanted to be.

 But after Lu Jing saw his father's face, his smile froze successfully.

 The reason why this was so was because he saw pity and regret on his old father's face.

 This made Lu Jing confused.

Even if I don’t want to praise myself, I can’t have such an expression. What’s going on? "Lu Jing, is there really no possibility between you and Sun Ying'er?"

 “What’s possible?” Lu Jing asked.

Father Lu frowned when he heard this: "You just have any ideas, for example, in that regard, do you really not have any?"

 Lu Jing understood.

When Lu Jing understood, he took a few steps back: "Dad, do you know what you are talking about? Aunt Sun and I, Aunt Sun is my aunt, am I a beast? What can I do to my own aunt? You have so-called thoughts, Dad, can you please stop talking nonsense?"

 Father Lu really wanted to kill this guy.

 It’s fine if it’s unreliable in normal times, why is it still unreliable in this regard?

“You and Miss Sun are not related by blood, how can you not pretend to be real? Even if we really talk about it, do you think you will meet a better woman than Miss Sun?”

When Lu Jing heard his old man say this, Sun Ying'er appeared in his mind. seemed that among the women he met, Su Nian was better than Sun Ying'er.

 But Su Nian is married.

But Sun Ying'er...

When he thought of this name, Lu Jing turned around and took a few steps back: "Oh, Dad, stop talking nonsense. Aunt Sun and I really have a pure aunt-nephew relationship. Even if I, Lu Jing, are If I’m not a human being, then I can’t be a human being in this regard.”

 “You can be immoral in this matter.”

 Lu Jing:…

 Is this something inappropriate?

 But the events of that night successfully appeared in Lu Jing's mind.

Although he was drunk, he still had some so-called sense.

 (End of this chapter)

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