Chapter 1009 The reason why Su Nian didn’t show up

 The next day.

 Everyone was shocked by the news.

—Li Beichen was rushed to the hospital at night and was in danger.

As soon as the news came out, all the powerful people sent people to the hospital.

You must know that if something happens to Li Beichen, many things will change significantly.

 Benefits and benefits...are possible.

As Li Beichen’s wife, Su Nian appeared at the Li Group after dawn.

 Appeared in front of Lan Min.

 Lan Min was worried when he learned about Li Beichen's accident.

 But she didn’t know that, at this time, she needed to pay more attention.

 If you are not careful, Su Nian will take advantage of it.

 When she saw Su Nian, she realized that she was right.

This woman Su Nian is indeed not a good person.

So Lan Min immediately spoke directly: "What are you doing here? How is Beichen doing now? Didn't you keep saying that you love Beichen? If you love Beichen, then why are you here now? ”

“Su Nian, it seems I was right, you don’t love Beichen at all.”

 Soon Lan Min said a lot of words.

 But Su Nian stood quietly.

It’s like Lan Min is singing a one-man show.

This really made Lan Min feel a little annoyed in his heart. Damn it, it's really hateful, this guy is like this every time.      Invisibly gained the upper hand.

 “Lan Zhen, you are finally smart for once.”

This made Lan Zhi couldn't help but reach for his cell phone, wanting to record the woman's ugliest face.

“If you dare to move, I will let you understand what it means to kill two people.”

These words immediately made Lan Min stop his movements.

He immediately opened his eyes: "Why are you so vicious, you?"

"What am I? I am so vicious. What do you think? Now the entire Li Group is in my hands. What I want to do is a matter of minutes, hahaha."

 It's all in her hands.

Lan Min panicked subconsciously when he heard this, but Lan Min was still a little sensible: "What are you talking about? Don't think that I don't know. You are just deceiving me. You are just scaring me. Su Nian, you use such low-level words." Who are you looking down on?"

Su Nian nodded when he heard this: "Lan Shi, you have been waiting for me to be born, and you have also been curious about why I didn't take action."

   Lan Min’s eyes also became sharp.

Su Nian then said one word at a time under Lan Shi's gaze: "Lan Shi, I really don't know where you got the courage to think that you can compete with me and be my opponent."

Su Nian's eyes were contemptuous, as if he was looking at a fool.

"Su Nian, what do you mean by this? Are you insulting me? Is insulting me your method? Haha, Su Nian, if you really think so, don't you think your method is very low-level? "

"I'm just telling the truth. You are taking advantage of my husband's prestige to dominate here. Why don't you ask me if my husband has already given me all his property?"

  兰伈:! !

"Now I am the major shareholder of this company. I have absolute control over this company. My husband even works for me in this company. You take over the place of the people who work for me and dominate this company. Do you think it makes sense?"

 (End of this chapter)

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