The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 102: Use your money to insult me ​​as much as you want

Chapter 102 Insult me ​​as much as you want with money

 Under Su Nian's expectant eyes.

Li Beichen said: "I want to thank you very much, but I don't know how to thank you. Let me think about it carefully."

These words instantly raised Su Nian's expectations.

But even so, Su Nian did not forget his identity, so he said obediently: "Beichen, don't say that, have you forgotten what I once said, I am willing to do anything for you, even For me, being able to do something for you is my luck.”

[If my guess is correct, even if Li Beichen has benefited from me and is getting better, he will still find ways to draw a clear line with me. For a domineering president, drawing a clear line is usually... Money...smashed. 】

  【I just like this way of insulting people, come on, just insult me ​​as much as you want! 】

Just as Su Nian was looking forward to it, Li Beichen spoke: "If that's the case, then I won't force you."

Su Nian:! !

"And if I remember correctly, then you have been with the old man for so long, and according to the old man's love for you, then you will definitely give you all good things, and you will not be rare. If this is the case, then I will not bother you. 】

Su Nian:…

At this moment, Su Nian really felt like he was going to explode.

 This hateful guy.

  【I know this guy is a bitch, but I really didn't expect that he could be such a bitch. 】

  【Really not an ordinary dog. 】

 But Li Beichen was able to show with his actions that he was still capable of being a dog.

Then Li Beichen said: "However, judging from the meals these days, this chef must have put his heart and soul into it. Su Nian, can you bring him over? I want to thank him properly. After all, if it were not for him, If so, I might still feel uncomfortable now.”

Su Nian really didn’t know how to describe his mood at this moment. 【I actually want to thank you in public. I am the cook. How can I find someone for him? Do I have to find someone randomly and then watch that person pretend to take my credit? 】

  【Why did the plot develop like this? This is really not scientific at all! Very unscientific. 】

Li Beichen continued to speak as if adding fuel to the fire: "Why don't you speak? Is this matter difficult?"

Then a smile appeared on Su Nian's face: "How can it be difficult? Of course it's not difficult. Beichen, you are so kind. I really feel that I love you even more now! You are like this, you How can I love others, how can I let you go!"

Su Nian felt that if he continued to stay here, he would be so angry that he vomited blood and died. After saying this, he immediately smiled and said: "Um, um, it's a little inconvenient for me, so I won't tell you anymore. ”

 He then went directly to the bathroom.

  Don't give Li Beichen a chance to talk nonsense at all.

 Wait until we got to the bathroom.

Su Nian immediately washed his face with cold water, hoping to calm down.

 She felt that if she didn't do this, it would be impossible for the scene to continue.

Su Nian took a few deep breaths to calm down.

She felt that God had deliberately made Li Beichen so difficult and annoying this time in order to prevent her from getting Mo Bao out.

 But this can't stop her determination to make calligraphy treasures!

 (End of this chapter)

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