The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 1022: It's disgusting no matter in that time and space

Chapter 1022 It’s disgusting no matter in that time and space

at the same time.

   Lan Min arrived at the door of the hospital.

Looking at the hospital, Lan Min thought of the time when Su Nian and Li Beichen fainted out of anger.

 I don’t know why I suddenly thought about this.

 It seems that after that incident, Li Beichen's attitude towards himself began to change.

 You must know that once some ideas are generated, they cannot be stopped.

 Why... why after that incident, Li Beichen changed, Lu Jing also changed, everything seemed to have changed.

At this moment, she suddenly felt something hit her leg.

  She looked down and unexpectedly saw a little boy.

 This does he feel like Li Beichen?

 No, this child seems to be the child of Li Beichen and Su Nian.

Although Lan Min has not been in contact with their children since they were born, she still knows what Li Beichen and Su Nian's children look like through some means.

Although this child is very young, you can still see the shadow of Li Beichen on the child's immature face.

 Even a possibility appeared in her mind.

If they had chosen Li Beichen, what would their children be like?

"Do you know where my dad is? I can't find my dad." Mo Bao said in a sweet voice.

These words brought Lan Min back to his senses. ,

 That’s right, kid.

This child seems to be called Mo Bao.

 At such a young age, he should not be able to lie to others.

 You can definitely know something through this child.

After thinking about this, Lan Min squatted down and said, "My little friend, what's your name? Auntie knows your name so she can help you find your father." "My name is Mo Bao..."

Hearing this familiar name, the gentle smile on Lan Min's face widened: "Oh, oh, your name is Mo Bao. Auntie has heard of a Mo Bao, but I don't know if you are the Mo Bao that aunt knows. You Can you tell me your father's name and mother's name? Let me see if you are the Mo Bao I know."

Of course Mo Bao came to Lan Min on purpose.

Of course he came here not to see his father, but to find his own mother.

 But when I was passing by here, I saw Lan Min.

From the expression on this woman's face, it can be inferred that this woman must not be holding anything good in her heart.

Originally, Mo Bao thought of this parallel time and space.

 He ​​was out of control at the moment. Nothing happened to his father and his parents were loving, so he didn't want to have much involvement with the woman Lan Min.

 But I just had a few words with this woman.

 He will understand.

 Even if it is not the last time and space.

This guy is also disgusting.

And from the hypocritical face of this woman, it can be seen that this guy is definitely not holding back anything good.

 He wanted to know what this woman wanted to do to his little child.

Then Mo Bao said the names of his parents in a sweet voice.

“Yeah, you are really the Mo Bao I know. Mo Bao, maybe you don’t know me, but I am your aunt.”

Mo Bao took a few steps back: "But Mo Bao has never seen you."

This made Lan Min's expression suddenly stiffen.

She thought of Li Beichen's indifference, which successfully made her heart ache: "Auntie didn't lie to you, I am indeed your aunt, that's it, your mother and I have a little conflict, your mother I have a bad temper, so in order not to make your mother angry, I didn't appear in front of you, but Mo Bao, you have to know that I am really your aunt. "

 (End of this chapter)

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