Chapter 1028 What kind of tiger and wolf words is this?

“But our Mo Bao is really smart, and he deserves to be my son, Li Beichen.”

Li Beichen didn't even notice it, so he calmly picked up Mo Bao.

Mo Bao snorted directly after hearing this.

This dad is really disgusting.

So shameless.

Does his intelligence have anything to do with his father? It's obviously my mother.

"Now let's make our lies more real. After all, children can't lie." Su Nian began to think about the next step.

Li Beichen stared at Mo Bao with big eyes.

Li Beichen smiled, stretched out his finger and lightly slapped Mo Bao on the nose: "Why are you looking at me like this? You haven't seen Dad for a few days, you must know me." "

 “Hmph.” Mo Bao snorted very proudly.

 The man just lifted Mo Bao up and slapped Mo Bao on his **** with his big hand: "What do you mean? What are you moaning about? You really don't know me as your father, do you?"

Mo Bao:! ! !

This dad is really a bit too much.

 When this father gets old and the nurse asks himself whether he should remove the oxygen tube! Hum!

Mo Bao thought angrily in his heart.

 Small faces can really stink as much as they want.

Li Beichen felt that he had to take care of this brat. You must know that this brat was only one year old.

 If you are as bad as you are now, if you grow up, you will probably get even worse.

Just when Li Beichen wanted to stand alone, Su Nian's voice rang out: "Beichen, what are you doing?"

Li Beichen, who was caught, smiled calmly: "I didn't do anything, honey. What did you look at me with such eyes? Do you think I will do anything? After all, tiger poison cannot eat its seeds."

 The next moment, Mo Bao burst into tears. This cry... really made Li Beichen a little embarrassed.

Su Nian was just joking, but he didn't expect Mo Bao to have such a big reaction, so he couldn't help but laugh. After all, in Su Nian's eyes, Li Beichen cared about Mo Bao very much.

  Wouldn't do anything to Mo Bao.

But she still had her hands on her hips with a serious look on her face.

“If I told you that it’s none of my business if he cries, would you believe me?”

 “Do you think I would believe it?”

 When Mo Bao heard this, he couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

 He is the most important in my mother's heart.

Su Nian approached Li Beichen and said, "Do you mean that Mo Bao will cry inexplicably? When did Mo Bao get into such a big problem, and you don't give me, a mother, a good explanation."


But before Li Beichen finished speaking, Su Nian stood up on tiptoes and kissed the man gently on the cheek: "Why don't I believe that in your eyes, I am so stupid that I think you are my father?" Will it still hurt Mo Bao? "

 That's right, Su Nian did it on purpose.

  When Su Nian said this, he couldn't help but poke the man's chest with his hand.

 I didn’t expect but forgot that the man’s chest was very hard, which caused the woman’s hand to be directly poked and hurt.

Even though it hurt, I didn’t forget to glare at this guy fiercely: “Why are you so hard-bodied?”

But when Li Beichen heard this, he felt aggrieved: "What's wrong with you now? You dislike me for everything. And don't you usually like me to be tough?"

Su Nian:! ! ! What kind of tiger and wolf words is this?

"What do you mean? Shut up. Are you embarrassed to say this in front of the children?"

 (End of this chapter)

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