Chapter 1058 penetrated into Lan Min’s heart

But Lin Na didn’t have time to go far yet.

The sound of footsteps sounded behind me.

 “Lin Na, Lin Na.”

This voice is none other than Lan Min’s.

She stopped, turned around and looked behind her.

 “Lina, wait a moment, I have something to say to you.”

Lin Na raised her eyebrows slightly and signaled Lan Min to say.

Then Lan Zhen said: "I admit that there are some things that are not as good as yours, but there are some things I need to tell you. You should never worry about some people. After all, I think you should disdain someone like Lin Na." Get involved."

"Lan Min, I understand that you are worried, are you just worried that if I steal a man from you? After all, Su Nian is right next to you and snatched Li Beichen away, at least in your eyes." Lin Na heard Lan Min My first reaction was to feel insulted.

  What is there to grab for an arrogant man like Huo Linyuan?

 As a woman, Lin Na was really dissatisfied. This orchid man only had female rivalry in his mind.

 It’s really a bit strange for a woman to have such an idea...,

 The key is to look at yourself in this way.

This is really disgusting.

"But you really don't think you are a bit weak now. Even if you even persuade me to stay away from your man, you are speaking from a moral point of view. If you have some ability, then you can just yell at me to get out and don't touch him. Isn’t your man ready?”

 Such words are even worse than directly insulting Lan Zhi.

“Lan Zhen, don’t you think this is a bit aggrieved?”

"Lin Na, what do you want to say!" Lin Na shrugged: "What else can I say? I'm just telling you the truth. If I really want to steal a man from you, then you can't do it at all. There is nothing we can do.

Even after the confrontation between Huo Linyuan and Su Nian, Huo Linyuan may now feel that only a woman like Su Nian is worthy of her, and now he does not think that you, a dodder, is good. "

 Lanji is pregnant now.

 Some things are very sensitive.

Now that I hear these words, I feel as anxious as I am: "You are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense, Lin Na, do you think I don't know what you mean? You are just trying to provoke Lin Yuan and me."

"Yes, I am provoking, and I am doing it openly, but I am really curious now. Why are you still angry now that you know that I am provocative?"

"I don't!"

Lin Na smiled: "Yes, yes, you didn't. How could you care about me like this? I am a very scheming woman." But when she said this, she walked up to Su Nian and took a photo He patted her shoulder: "Don't worry, I'm not your enemy. After all, think about it with your few brains. If I really climb into Mr. Huo's bed, I might even become Mrs. Huo."

 Then, our Lin family will be annexed by the Huo family, and I will eventually change from a person with great power to a person like you. I think anyone with a little bit of brains will know how to choose. "

This... Lan Min really doesn’t know what to say.

 She knew what Lin Na said was right.

 At the same time, I am really a little jealous, jealous of why God wants to be so unfair.

 It would be great if she had such a good family background~

“Women still have to hold power. If women don’t have anything,’s really not good.”

I don’t know why these words penetrated so deeply into Lan Min’s heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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