The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 1071: But her character is that of a vicious supporting actress.

Chapter 1071 But her character is that of a vicious female supporting character.

Su Nian feels that he is a kind person.

 Since you are a kind person, you should do something.

Immediately, Su Nian cleared his throat slightly, and then said: "Okay, since you and I have known each other for so long and have a good relationship, I can finally give you some time. If you can If you leave me here, I will definitely stay."

 Such a tone is really a bit of a gift.

  It’s really a bit uncomfortable.

Su Nian also sat on the bed again and waited slowly.

 Even while waiting, he started singing.

 Such behavior is simply worse than slapping Luo Qian in the face.

Luo Qian was really getting more and more irritated, so he said directly: "Shut up."

How could Su Nian be obedient: "Shut up, who are you? Why do you want me to shut up? Where is this place and when will it be your turn? I was indeed a little polite before, but that was because I If you have quality, you can’t use my quality as a way to bully me, okay?”

Luo Qian:…

 Lan Min was also very anxious at the moment.

Could it be that he just watched Su Nian leave like this?

 If this is really the case, then what will Huo Linyuan think?

 Do you think she is useless?

 When she thought of this, she became more and more anxious.

Then Lan Min continued to speak: "You will leave as soon as I come. What do you mean? Are you unable to afford it? Are you afraid of me? If you are really afraid, then just say directly, I am not afraid either." will say something.”

"Su Nian, you have such courage. Now I really wonder what kind of so-called magic you used on Li Beichen to be able to be confused by you." Su Nian yawned when he heard these words: "Hey , Lan Yan, how many times have I told you, don’t treat me like a retard. If you treat me like a retard, you are also being irresponsible to yourself.”

"And there is really not much time now. You still have to think of a way. If you don't seize the time, then I may really leave, and you will fail."

Su Nian now saw the anxious look of the person in front of him.

  I really think it’s a bit fun.

 Hahaha, it’s more fun than just slapping them in the face.

Similarly, trying hard to do something, but finding that it is impossible to do it no matter what so-called means are used.

 Who would feel better when feeling like this?

 In this case, the police came.

The policeman who just went to inquire about the matter said to Su Nian with a flattering look on his face: "Miss Su, Miss Su is really sorry. I'm sorry. It was our mistake. It was really our mistake that made you wronged."

Su Nian also knew very well that these little policemen couldn't make any decisions at all.

There is no use in embarrassing these little policemen.

Who is not a laborer?

Su Nian came out of his small room and walked up to Lan Min: "Hey, Lan Min, why didn't you come in earlier? If you had come in earlier, then I wouldn't have to stay here, as you know How could I have suffered such injustice despite my status as a child?”

"But you are different. After all, the environment you have lived in since childhood was not very good. You may be getting preferential treatment by staying here." Su Nian even felt that what he said was a bit vicious.

 But...her character is that of a vicious female supporting character.

 It is normal to be vicious.

 (End of this chapter)

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