Chapter 1082 Lu Jing’s reminder

Lu Jing just watched the two holding hands.

 What is going on with this little star and why does he have so much time?

 Is it over or not?

He immediately planned to say something: "Okay, okay, let's not say such polite words. Aunt Sun, you have other things to do today, so you have to hurry up today."

As he spoke, he separated his two intertwined hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I forgot that Mr. Sun is usually very busy, so I won't waste time. I'm going to prepare for my performance now. Mr. Sun, please wait here for a while." The little star said this quickly Step away.

After the others left, Sun Ying'er's face changed instantly: "Lu Jing, what are you doing? Even if your emotional intelligence is poor, you can't hold me back like this."

However, she didn’t expect that after Sun Yinger said this, she would see Lu Jing’s serious expression.

This serious look even made Sun Yinger feel a little bit wrong.

Then he heard Lu Jing say: "Aunt Sun, you may not know that people like this are trying their best to climb up. They can do anything to climb up. You must be careful."

These words... made Sun Ying'er feel a little weird.

 But I don’t know what’s weird about it.

"Aunt Sun, I have never been in contact with such a person. Let me tell you, I am reminding you, and I am reminding you very seriously, I definitely did not deceive you, I am..."

Sun Yinger finally understood.

I have heard similar words from the mouths of daughters from aristocratic families who are almost the same as me, and they all talk about how the current female stars are. But coming from a man’s mouth, Lu Jing’s mouth is really a bit strange.

 But it’s so weird, I really don’t know where it comes from.

Just when Lu Jing was about to continue saying something, Sun Ying'er interrupted directly: "Stop, stop, stop, I understand what you mean, I know it, and I'm very clear about it. Don't worry, I will definitely not be like this."

Even if Lu Jing is stupid, he can still see Sun Ying'er's perfunctory behavior.

He immediately spoke: "Aunt Sun, I am doing this for your own good. Really, I am doing this for you. What I am telling you is the truth, the absolute truth."

"Okay, okay, of course I understand what you mean, really, I really understand what you mean, and do you really think that I will look at a man casually?" When Sun Ying'er said this He took a few steps towards Lu Jing and said, "Why do you have such an idea? What is it about me that makes you have such an idea, that I am in need of a man?"

These words successfully made Lu Jing breathe a sigh of relief.

That's right, Sun Ying'er and Su Nian are not ordinary women, how could they fall in love with ordinary men.

Even though he is a rich and handsome man, he may be nothing in their eyes: "You misunderstood, I really don't think so, I definitely don't think so, I'm just reminding you a little."

"You'd better not think about it here. If you think about it, if I find out, I will definitely tell your aunt, and then ask Zhou Xu to deal with you severely. If I remember correctly, you should I haven’t been beaten in a long time.”

"No, no, no, no, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't say nonsense, I will never say nonsense."

Sun Yinger turned around and left directly.

 Lu Jing also hurriedly caught up.

 (End of this chapter)

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