Chapter 1095 The heroine Lan Min is really blind.

Just when Su Nian wanted to continue speaking.

Huo Linyuan finally spoke: "Su Nian, I understand why you came to Lin Na today. Let's take a step back from each other."

Su Nian raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

 How to push.

“I will give you what you want, but don’t touch my people. Also give me the official seal, and I will give up suppressing your company.”

 This made Su Nian even more curious.

 What does Huo Linyuan mean?

 Give yourself what you want.

 What does it mean to give yourself what you want?

 What does this mean?

Su Nian originally wanted to ask directly, but felt that just asking like this would seem a bit cheap.

 But...don't ask...

Just when Su Nian was confused.

Huo Linyuan actually turned around and walked away.

 That’s right, he turned around and left.

Su Nian was really dumbfounded by this situation.

 What does this mean? Why did you turn around and leave like that?

Even Su Nian wanted to chase him.

 Ahem, cough, cough, I almost chased him.

 It can really be said that it was almost...

Fortunately, Su Nian controlled his thoughts. If he couldn't control his thoughts, it would be a bit embarrassing.

  In the coming time.

  Lan Min is officially responsible for the official seal.

 Then sentenced.


Su Nian thought it was just a formality like last time.

But I didn’t expect that Lan Min was actually in prison.

 Even if Lan Zhen has a child in her belly.

You must know that no matter what country she is in, this pregnant woman will not be sentenced, even a murderer. When two months have passed.

People sent by Su Nian told her that it was indeed Lan Min who was in jail, not the so-called substitute.

 She was really a little dumb.

 It should be that everyone is dumb.

 “This Huo Linyuan’s heart is too hard.” Sun Ying’er couldn’t help but sigh.

However, after what Sun Ying'er said, she felt that it was somewhat reasonable. After all, in her memory, Huo Linyuan had always been the kind of person who would do anything to achieve his own goals.

 So it is normal for Huo Linyuan to do this.

 The reason why she was so surprised was because she thought this Lanzi would be someone special.

Moreover... Sun Ying'er looked at Su Nian.

She suddenly remembered that she seemed to be surrounded by such things in the world she lived in before.

 Everyone does it because of the so-called interests.

 It’s never because of any so-called feelings.

Even feelings were a joke in her previous world, but it was different ever since she came into contact with Su Nian.

Now I see Su Nian who is full of doubts and is in a lot of unresolved situations, I really want to laugh a little bit.

"Don't think about it, your forehead is like a bun." Li Beichen came to Su Nian's side.

‘[It’s unscientific. In the world of novels, there is no male protagonist like this. 】

Even if the male protagonist is a scumbag, then the male protagonist is still a man. Since he is a man, how can he let his woman bear everything? 】

  【The male protagonist Huo Linyuan...well, even though it is no longer the original plot, I still can't bear it. 】

Li Beichen's eyes were filled with tenderness as he listened to Su Nian's doubts.

 He put his hand on the little woman’s head.

 Planning to gently touch her head to comfort her.

But unexpectedly, before Li Beichen touched Su Nian, she would raise her head.

 And looked straight at Li Beichen.

Li Beichen felt a little frightened when Su Nian looked at him like this.

 It was at this time.

  【It seems that Li Beichen is much better than Huo Linyuan, and the heroine Lan Min is really blind. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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