The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 1111: You don't have to worry about face in front of me.

 Chapter 1111 Don’t worry about face in front of me

 But the current Mo Bao is a bit too small.

He is not Li Beichen's opponent at all.

Li Beichen held his son tightly in his arms.

Su Nianzai saw his son's appearance, as if his face was not good, so he quickly asked: "What's the matter? What's wrong with Mo Bao?"

But he didn't expect that Li Beichen frowned when he heard this: "Nian Nian, what do you mean? You mean that I will hurt him. If you don't know, you will even think that I am." Abuse him."

Su Nian's expression changed: "What do you mean, Li Beichen."

When he saw Su Nian's expression change, Li Beichen quickly said: "I didn't mean anything, I was just joking, but you really care a little too much about this brat, Nian Nian, I know your temper." , but you have to know that this brat is a man, not a girl. If you pamper him too much, you will harm him. "

 As he said that, he planned to take the Mobao away.

Su Nian originally wanted to say something else.

 But when I think about it, it still makes sense.

 Mo Bao is a boy, so you should not pamper Mo Bao too much.


Don't think that Mo Bao doesn't know. It must be that this narrow-minded man saw that his mother cared about him so much, so he felt a little unbalanced and wanted to deal with himself.

 Hmph, how could I, the smartest kid in the world, not understand such thoughts?

  Just struggle desperately.

Su Nian wanted to say something. But at this moment, Sun Ying'er smiled and said: "Nian Nian, you are usually so powerful, as if everything in this world is under your control, but I really didn't expect that you don't even understand this. "

Su Nianzai looked at Sun Ying'er next to her when she heard this.

I heard Sun Ying'er say: "I know you care about Mo Bao, but Mo Bao is also a boy. I think it should be taught by Beichen. This father has a great influence on boys. You can also say that this is between men. dialogue.”

Su Nian thought of what happened in his previous life when he heard this.

Mo Bao had no father in his previous life, and Li Beichen had died long ago.


Although Mo Bao has grown up, there are still some things that are a bit inconvenient for her as a mother.

"So don't worry. You really feel like a loving mother but a failed child. You don't want to be as powerful as Beichen, but end up having a barbecued pork."

When Sun Ying'er said this, the two of them laughed.

Su Nian still couldn't help but say: "Even if my baby is indeed a barbecued pork, then it must be the best one."

"Nian Nian, what do you mean by this? You really think that you gave birth to a barbecued pork. Fortunately, Mo Bao is not here. If Mo Bao knew that you thought so, then Mo Bao would definitely be angry."

Su Nian also sat on the sofa: "Sister, what you said is wrong. Don't you know that our Mo Bao is the most obedient, so even if he hears similar words, he will not be angry."

"Forget it, you should be a reliable parent. Children are very thoughtful. What if you really say that and hurt his mood?" But Sun Ying'er smiled after saying this: "And you Having said so much, I really don’t think you would say this in front of Mo Bao, so what you are doing now is basically just showing off.”

Su Nian pursed her lips and said, "Sister, even if you knew it, why did you say it like this? It really makes me lose face by saying it like this."

“What about you? In our relationship, you still care about face in front of me.”

 (End of this chapter)

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