Chapter 1157 The dog bites in a hurry

The people who were talking nonsense to Sun Ying'er just now fell silent.

They didn’t even dare to speak.

"Okay, sister, let's not stay here anymore. This is not suitable for us, lest it make you feel even worse. Moreover, there is no use in using harsh words here."

“It’s only useful if it’s practical, lest people like them think that my aunt and you are talking nonsense.” Lu Jing said cooperatively from the side.

Su Nian then planned to take Sun Ying'er away.

 But when I didn’t take a few steps.

Sun Yan's voice rang out: "Miss Su, don't be deceived by this woman. This woman is not what you think. If you continue like this, you will definitely be harmed by her..."

Su Nian stopped when he heard this.

 Immediately walked quickly towards the person who spoke.

Su Nian's movements were very fast, very fast...super fast...without giving anyone a chance to react.

 “I want to ask, what did my sister lie to me about?”

Sun Yan didn’t know what to say.

"I don't have any financial disputes with her. As for that company, if my sister wants it, I can just give it to her. I can just get a company from Huo Linyuan. I don't have anything anyway. Having a brain, relying on my brain is not a matter of minutes.”

“Li Beichen, she has thoughts about Li Beichen and she has thoughts about your husband.”

Su Nian really smiled now, completely.

 I really didn’t expect to meet such a stupid person.

"Yes, yes, I have thoughts about your husband. Miss Su, you may not believe it if you tell me. This woman likes to seduce people most. When she sees how good your husband is, she feels jealous in her heart. , just want to destroy your family."

Sun Yan doesn’t care about anything now.

She just wanted to pull Sun Ying'er down. As long as she could pull Sun Ying'er down, she could do anything. She knew Su Nian's methods.

If Su Nian thinks about it, then it is really possible that the Sun family belongs to Sun Ying'er.

Sun Yan would never let such a thing happen no matter what.

"A person who is not even interested in the position of the head of the Huo Group covets my husband. He covets the man who will transfer all his shares to me and pass all his assets to me. If he really covets me, then I will give it to her. , so that I can change to a new man openly.”

Lu Jing laughed when he heard this: "I really want Li Beichen to hear this. If Li Beichen hears this, he will definitely feel as uncomfortable as possible."

"It seems that I need to act quickly, so that I can deal with the Sun family as soon as possible. I don't want these so-called Sun family members to stain my sister's reputation. You really don't deserve it."

This time Su Nian really took the people away after finishing speaking.

 Everyone in the Sun family knew it was really over.

 Especially the old lady.

The old lady came directly in front of Sun Yan and gave Sun Yan a slap in the face: "You bitch, why are you talking nonsense? If it wasn't you, how could things be like this? It's all your fault, it's all you ”

 When she said this, the old lady was really getting more and more angry.

He actually took action directly.

 You must know that Sun Yan is not an ordinary woman, so just fight back.

 At this time, the two people had a complete struggle.

Aunt Sun Second and Third Aunt Sun on the other side are not vegetarians either. In such a situation, of course they will have to fight.

 So this is getting more and more chaotic.

 (End of this chapter)

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