Chapter 1176 Lu Jing will really make himself proud

Sun Ying'er was fighting against Huo Linyuan.

Lu Jing was watching from the side.

Looking hard.

But occasionally he looked at Su Nian next to him. ,

When Lu Jing turned around again, he saw Su Nian taking out the computer at some point and typing frantically on the keyboard.

  Why can I, my aunt, hold a computer when I am in such a climax?

 Lu Jing approached curiously.

 But I didn’t expect it, and I wouldn’t know it until I saw it. I was shocked when I saw it.

 I only saw Su Nian writing.

 A man first got engaged to his sister, and later fell in love with her when she was in contact with her, and then had an abortion...

 Overall, it’s really bloody.

 Lu Jing couldn't help but say in this situation: "Auntie, why are you so good at everything? You really put a lot of pressure on me. I really don't know what your brain is made of."

Su Nian turned to look at Lu Jing: "Why do I feel like you are scolding me?"

Lu Jing quickly shook his head: "Scold you, how could I have the courage to scold you? If I had the courage to scold you, then I would not be Lu Jing. I really admire you. I admire you so much that I don't know what to say." Wow, you are really awesome, super awesome.”

Su Nian was sure that this guy didn't have the guts, so he looked away: "What's the point? Gossip is an essential skill for us women. I've seen countless **** stories. I just made them up casually. There's nothing like that in this world. Who would care about authenticity when listening to a **** story?" Su Nian said this because Li Beichen told him before that Huo Linyuan was letting Luo Qian get in touch with Li's shareholders.

 She is probably thinking about shares.

 That was why there was such a big commotion. If this is the case, then I should accompany Huo Linyuan to perform this play well and play this game to a large extent, then I will find it interesting.

"Oh, oh, you don't understand. What do you know as a man? But this Huo Linyuan is really a scumbag. I really didn't expect that there are such scumbag men in this world. I really feel sorry for my sister. I feel sorry for my sister and such a scumbag." Contact with scumbag men.”

Lu Jing nodded at this time: "That's right, that's right, but there's nothing I can do about it. It's impossible for all men in this world to be as honest as me."

Su Nian looked at Lu Jing when he heard this: "Hey, you guy, you guy really makes your face look good. Why are you so shameless now?"

Lu Jing didn't take it seriously: "What do you mean by that? Is it cruel? It's called thick-skinned. Then aunt, tell me, what other advantages can I have? You always want me to have some advantages. If I have this advantage If not, how can I still live in this world?”

Su Nian: ...This really makes sense.

"Okay, aunt, I won't disturb you anymore. You write slowly and make that scumbag Huo Linyuan as scumbag as possible. You really have a big responsibility now. You need to expose Huo Linyuan." The most authentic face, so that no one will continue to be deceived.”

Su Nian felt that Lu Jing really couldn't speak.

But Su Nian smiled and continued writing.

Lu Jing once again set his sights on Sun Ying'er, although he felt that with Huo Linyuan's identity, Huo Linyuan would not hit a woman no matter how angry he was.

But there is a saying that don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the rare event. What if, what if Huo Linyuan is really crazy and does such a thing.

 (End of this chapter)

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