Chapter 1193 Lu Jing: Zhou Xu, I’m going too


“This person, if he can’t recognize his own position, it would be a very ridiculous thing.”

Sun Zhuang's face is really as ugly as it is now.

 I really don’t know what to say.

"Aunt Sun, do you think what I said is different?"

Sun Yinger laughed when she saw Lu Jing begging for rewards like this.

But her appearance made Lu Jing dissatisfied: "Aunt Sun, I'm talking to you. Why don't you speak? Could it be that what I said is wrong? Why what I said is wrong? Why on earth?"

   Completely like a child.

What else could Sun Ying'er do? She could only say in a helpless voice: "Yes, yes, you are right, everything you said is right, very right. Lu Jing, you are really smart for once. You It’s really awesome.”

Lu Jing felt even happier after receiving such praise, and then he looked at Sun Zhuang: "Okay, okay, what are you doing here, what else do you have to do, what are you doing that you have delayed here?" , Even if you have caused such a big disaster, why are you still delaying people like this? "

 But Sunzhuang was still a little unwilling.

 After all, several people who were expelled by Sun Ying'er came to see him.

 I also made a promise in front of those people. What would it be like if I went back like this?

So Sun Zhuang still spoke: "Ying'er, I know you must have your reasons, but no matter how many reasons you have, those are also senior people in the company. If you do this, you will really chill the hearts of these people in the company. You are still young, and you have no idea what the consequences will be if you really chill these people’s hearts.”

“Hanxin, chilling, if anyone really feels chilled, just ask them to come to me and I will fire them all.” Sun Yinger said directly.

Su Nian next to him also echoed: "That's right, Sun Zhuang, just ask those who are unconvinced to come to me. No matter how much money it is, I will compensate them. We just don't want anyone to feel wronged."

Sun Zhuang really didn’t expect them to say that. I really don’t know what to say.

Sun Ying'er said coldly again: "Don't you understand? This company is just a toy to us. If something happens to this company, it will be nothing. At the worst, we will change the company to play, Dad, I hope you leave quickly and don’t waste our time here.”

“Sun Ying’er, you, you, you, do you have to do this?”

"Isn't that what I'm doing now? It's obvious that's what I'm doing. Don't use family or anything to pressure me. You have to know that you have repeatedly said that I am a daughter. I will be married off anyway. Nothing has anything to do with me.”

Sun Zhuang covered his heart now.

 Looking like he was about to be **** off.

"Zhou Xu, what are you still doing? Pull him away quickly. Do you really want something to happen in front of me?" Su Nian said coldly.

Su Nian's words really made Zhou Xu react, and he quickly walked to Sun Zhuang and imprisoned him directly.

Sun Zhuang wanted to say something.

But Zhou Xu said in Sun Zhuang's ear: "I hope you can be a little more honest. Don't make my wife angry. If you really make my wife angry, the consequences will be really serious."

These words made Sun Zhuang's expression change.

 Zhou Xu then controlled him and left.

Lu Jingzai saw Sun Zhuang like this and quickly followed him: "Zhou Xu, I'm going too."

 (End of this chapter)

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