Chapter 1237: Waste is not worthy of letting me look back

When Sun Yan heard this, she really hated Sun Ying'er in her heart.

 Why, why is this happening.

 Why even Huo Linyuan likes Sun Yinger.

What kind of methods did Sun Ying'er use?

  :“Jealous, haha, even for a man like you, you can make me jealous.”

Sun Yinger really wants to kill this person now.

“Even if the King of Heaven comes today, I can’t take her away.”

At this moment, Sun Ying'er was almost going crazy.

What is the so-called calmness, what is the so-called overall situation, if as a sister you can't even do anything to hurt the person who hurt your sister, then you are still a so-called sister.

Huo Linyuan felt angry when he saw Sun Ying'er like this.

 Why is this Sun Yinger still like this?

He held Sun Yan tightly in his arms: "Are you sure? This is your last chance. If you don't cherish this opportunity..."

When Huo Linyuan said this, countless men in black appeared.

 Surround Huo Linyuan.

As the male protagonist, Huo Linyuan will naturally not be afraid of such a situation: "Come on, come on, come and show me, what methods do you have, hahaha, look at you now, you just want to keep me here, Sun Ying'er, Do you really think you are capable after you have been with Su Nian for a long time? Are you capable? If you don’t have any self-knowledge in your heart, then I can tell you what self-knowledge is. I will tell you that the wrong thing you have done in your life is to betray me, and let you know the consequences of betraying me." Huo Linyuan's eyes were fierce when he said this.

However, Sun Ying'er didn't show any fear at such harshness, but just laughed.

"Hahahaha, hahaha, Huo Linyuan, I really didn't expect you to have such an ability. Your ability now really makes me look down on you." When Sun Ying'er said this, she stretched her arms to the side. Take action.

 Soon a knife was delivered to Sun Ying'er's hand.

 The appearance of the knife made Huo Linyuan frown.

“You don’t want to go to war with me directly, Sun Ying’er, you are a smart woman, you can’t be so stupid, right? If you are really so stupid, then...”

"You Huo Linyuan are indeed amazing, indeed very powerful. If I use normal means to deal with you, it will even be a joke. But no matter what means I use today, I will keep Sun Yan here. If you really want to protect If she doesn't, then I will keep this woman alive with my life." As he spoke, he walked toward him with the knife in his hands.

"Huo Linyuan, you are so protective of the woman behind you, so you have the ability to stand in front of her and bear this knife."

Huo Linyuan saw his aggressive look: "Are you crazy?"

"Why do you think I'm crazy? Why do you think so? Didn't you protect the woman in front of you just now? Now you are questioning whether I am crazy. Are you scared? Haha, you Huo Linyuan, Huo Jiazhi Lord, you are actually scared, you are really a joke, a big joke.”

"You..." The bodyguard stood in front of Huo Linyuan.

But Sun Ying'er's momentum showed no intention of stopping at all: "Why are you letting these losers stand in front of me? Do you, Huo Linyuan's woman, still need someone else to protect her? Hahaha, you still want to look back, you Huo Linyuan, such a loser man?" , What can I do to turn back? Is there anything that can make me turn back?”

 (End of this chapter)

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