Chapter 1270 Zhou Xu’s complaints

Su Nian still goes to the hospital occasionally these days.

  Going secretly.

 Sneak as much as you can.

Even Zhou Xu couldn't help complaining: "Madam, now I really feel that I am a thief with you."

"Oh, you can't say that. How can you say you are a thief? This is a completely new experience. You have to know that you used to be the president and secretary-general of the Li Group. You can even be said to be one person inferior to ten thousand people. With your status, you are standing on a high place. Don't you feel a little bored when you stand on a high place like this? "Don't you think your life is meaningless? "

“You see, after you follow me, your life becomes very meaningful, doesn’t it?”

Zhou Xu coughed a few times when he heard this.

After Zhou Xu coughed a few times, Su Nian's expression suddenly lost its calmness: "What do you mean by coughing like this? Do you think what I said is wrong? Tell me, what's wrong with me? You If you don’t tell me one, two, three, four, five, then I won’t let you go.”

But Zhou Xu was troubled: "Madam, what you said makes sense, what you said is very reasonable, but this truth is really a bit... After all, I am not a rich and powerful person. To put it bluntly, I am just a Senior migrant worker, I am a senior migrant worker, for you to say this is really a bit inappropriate..."

"Don't you have money? Let me tell you, Zhou Xu, please don't pretend to me. It's okay for you to pretend in front of others, but it's absolutely impossible in front of me. I can tell at a glance that you are What’s on your mind?”

 Zhou Xu lowered his head silently.

But if Zhou Xu was like this, if he didn't know better, he would have thought someone was bullying him.

Just like this, after some sneaky behavior, Su Nian was stopped. When she saw the person blocking her, Su Nian became a little unhappy: "Hey, hey, Lu Jing, what do you mean? Have you been itchy recently? If you are itchy, then just say it directly , I believe Zhou Xu will be particularly happy to have a good time with you."

 When Zhou Xu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

 Stand up immediately.

Lu Jingzai saw Zhou Xu's positive look and said quickly: "Hey, hey, hey, aunt, don't mess around. You really don't mess around. I am your nephew, your only nephew. When you grow old, I will still be there." I’m here to support you until you die. There’s really no need for you to do this. It’s really not necessary. I’m begging you.”

“Haha, what you said is that if you walk in front of me, you will think that I will definitely die before you.”

Zhou Xu added from the side: "Madam, this guy is really a bit hateful. I can even hear it. This guy is just scolding you in a roundabout way. You must not let him go."

Lu Jingzai's eyes changed when he heard this, and he immediately looked at Zhou Xu: "You, you, you, how could you do this to me."

The way Lu Jing looked at Zhou Xu, if you didn't know better, you would have thought that Lu Jing was looking at a scumbag.

But Zhou Xu said very righteously: "Why can't I do this to you, Mr. Lu? You have to make it clear. If you don't make it clear, then you think you and I have nothing to do with each other? My heart can be said to be loyal, so you must not have any thoughts about me. It is absolutely impossible for me to betray my wife, absolutely not. "

Even though he said so, his eyes told Lu Jing: My wife has been in a bad mood recently, so Mr. Lu, please sacrifice yourself temporarily.

 (End of this chapter)

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