Chapter 1280: Coaxing to coax people out...

After all, if that guy Huo Linyuan wins because of himself, then it will really be over.

"No, no, you are thinking too much, you really are thinking too much. That guy Li Beichen will definitely not think like this, absolutely will not think like this. I can see that that guy Li Beichen really regards you as his sister, and even said No matter what, I can regard you as my ancestor. As long as you want to be Li Beichen's ancestor, you can do it in any minute. "

"What you said..." Sun Ying'er couldn't hold it in anymore when she saw Lu Jing like this.

Although Lu Jing’s brain has some problems, his character is really simple...really simple...

 Whenever you see a problem, just say it directly...

However, Sun Ying'er controlled her emotions and said with a serious face: "Lu Jing, what do you understand? You don't understand at all. Don't worry, I know how to deal with this matter. You don't have to worry about it."

These words really made the sweat on Lu Jing's forehead suddenly break out: "Aunt Sun, you really misunderstood, you really misunderstood, let me tell you, Li Beichen doesn't think so, I guarantee it on my own, I can really vouch for that.”

"Lu Jing, this is a very serious matter. Looking at it now, it's really bad for Zhou Xu to beat you like this. After all, you have been with me for so long. What's bad is that you are mine. , He actually treated me like this, he really didn’t take me into consideration, it was really a bit excessive, no, it was not an ordinary excess.”

"No, no, no, really not. Zhou Xu hit me not because he didn't take Aunt Sun into his eyes, but because I am really mean. I am famous for being mean. Don't you know? Is it because I’m so mean? Have you forgotten that I’ve been beaten so many times over the years because of my meanness?”

But Sun Ying'er's face became more and more serious: "Lu Jing, that's not what you said just now. Lu Jing, I know you are honest, but this person can't be too honest. If he is honest, then he will It was really my fault that I was bullied before. I shouldn't have treated you like this. If I had treated you a little better, then you wouldn't have been bullied. It's all my fault. Everything is my fault."

"Hey, hey, it's really not my fault, no, it should be your fault, Aunt Sun, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't have said nonsense just now, wuwuwu, I really was just now Talking nonsense, I just feel a little unconvinced, and I want to deliberately provoke and cause trouble for Zhou Xu. Really, I am talking nonsense." Sun Yinger really couldn't control herself when she saw Lu Jing like this.

  Laughed outright.

“Lu Jing, look at your little potential, the way you look, and the fact that you still want to throw dirty water on others, I think it’s normal for you to get beaten, it’s very normal.”

Lu Jing subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the laughter.

But he quickly realized that he was just playing tricks on him.

Lu Jing's expression suddenly changed: "Aunt Sun, why are you so annoying? You are playing with me like this. Do you know that you really scared me to death just now? How could you do this? I don't want to pay attention to it now. You." After saying that, he stood up and walked outside.

 During this period, Sun Yinger was not given a chance to speak at all.

But Lu Jing realized something when he walked outside.

—He was obviously here to coax Sun Ying'er and coax this woman's heart, why... came out...

 (End of this chapter)

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