Chapter 1286 Zhou Xu’s speechlessness

In this way, Zhou Xu, with a mission in mind, found Lu Jing.

Zhou Xu looked helpless, as if he had been greatly wronged.

This was the first time Lu Jing saw Zhou Xu like this. You must know that this Zhou Xu has always been pretending to be cool, and he really looked at him like he was an idiot.

This look really made Lu Jing feel uncomfortable for a long time.

I have long wanted to do something to teach Lu Jing a lesson.

 So now that I see Lu Jing like this, I know that this guy must be in some kind of difficulty.

  Hey, what happened to this guy? If something really bad happened, then...he could definitely take advantage of this opportunity to add insult to injury.

How could Zhou Xu not see what Lu Jing was thinking?

I couldn't help but snorted in my heart.

This guy Lu Jing still wants to win Sun Ying'er's heart.

If Su Nian and Sun Ying'er hadn't taken care of him, then Zhou Xu would have really wanted to give up. After all, Lu Jing's dog-eat-dog attitude was really irritating, super irritating.

 But what can you do? It’s really pitiful to beat workers.

Then Zhou Xu said: "Hey, what else can I do? It's not because of you, Mr. Lu. It's because of your chaos that I have been unlucky. Mr. Lu, my Mr. Lu, you can do whatever you want, why do you still do it?" You have to torment me. We have such a good relationship, so why do you torment me? You are like this, you are like this really makes me regret it, regret why I helped you, after all, your behavior really makes me..."

When Lu Jing heard this, he was confused: "What do you mean? It's none of my business that you... are like this. Don't talk nonsense. I'm good enough to you. Zhou Xu, you really don't." "It's necessary to touch porcelain. What's wrong with porcelain? Didn't you find an excuse to say that I bullied you, and then went to see Miss Sun and had a conflict. As a result, Miss Sun went to my wife to deduct half a year's salary in order to vent your anger. Do you know how cruel it is for a wage earner? Why am I so unlucky?"

 “You say this as if you are an ordinary wage earner.”

 Zhou Xu:…

Is this guy talking humanly?

 Why is this happening? Why is this guy doing this?

Now Zhou Xu really wants to deal with this guy.

Even Zhou Xu wanted to curse this guy silently in his heart, cursing that this guy would never be able to catch up with Sun Ying'er. This guy really didn't deserve to be single, and he should be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

Although Lu Jing was gloating about his misfortune, he still had some idea in his heart, so he coughed lightly: "Okay, Zhou Xu, why are you sad? You forgot, you still have my brother, don't worry, you If you suffer any loss, I will definitely make it up to you.”

"Hmph, you compensate, what do you compensate for." Zhou Xu still looked unhappy.

"Isn't it just money? What's the point of this? Don't you know me? I have nothing but a lot of money, so I will definitely double your salary and compensate you."

 Zhou Xu: "This is not a matter of money or not, but..."

"Why is this not a matter of money? Don't worry. If my aunt and I are really on good terms, then I will definitely give you a few nice words in the ears of my aunt and aunt. You are so smart, aren't you? You know, pillow style is the most useful.”

 (End of this chapter)

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