Chapter 1296 The anger is vented

Huo Linyuan coaxed Mr. Qian.

 But his anger caused by Mr. Qian was still there.

If this anger is not vented, it will cause problems for the body.

 So it is necessary to vent.

Just like that, Huo Linyuan appeared in front of Sun Yan full of anger.

Sun Yan couldn't help but feel scared when she saw such a menacing Huo Linyuan.

"Mr. Huo, what's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood? Did something happen to you? What made you feel so bad? Tell me, don't keep everything in your heart. If you really... If you keep things in your mind, it will definitely have an impact on your body. What if something happens to your body?"

"Are you really worried about my health?" Huo Linyuan frowned tightly when he said this.

Such a look really made Sun Yan more afraid, but she knew very well that she couldn't retreat now. If she retreated, then...

"Huo Shao, what's your tone? I'm your woman. As your woman, if I don't worry about your body, I'll worry about other bodies." Sun Ying'er knew very well how dangerous this was.

 But it is precisely because of the danger that it is worth it.

Huo Linyuan reached out and pinched her chin: "Sun Yan, did you really poison Su Nian? Is there really something wrong with Su Nian's body? Is this a play between you and Su Nian? The purpose Just to see my jokes, right?"

When Sun Ying'er heard Huo Linyuan say this, she felt the man's murderous intention. Yes, it was murderous intention. He wanted to kill himself. Such a situation really made Sun Yan want to retreat.

But Sun Yan thought of the superior Sun Ying'er, and her eyes suddenly became firm: "Mr. Huo, I know what kind of person I am in your heart, but I still want to say that my sister will make me good. Or do you think I might watch my sister step by step to a high position? "Why, why does she have such good luck? Why are your eyes and Lu Jing's eyes in her heart?" I feel uncomfortable and I really don’t want that to happen.”

Originally, Sun Yan just wanted to say something to make Huo Linyuan believe in her.

 But the more he said this, the anger in his heart became bigger and bigger, almost to the point of going crazy.

Huo Linyuan enjoyed watching Sun Yan, enjoying watching this woman become crazy because of him, and even felt that if this was the case, then he would have a feeling of control.

 Even like a feeling of being in control.

 This feeling is really indescribable.

“Why, why, Mr. Huo, am I so bad, so inferior to that **** Sun Ying’er?”

When Huo Linyuan saw Sun Yan like this, he suddenly had a good idea in his heart, and immediately said: "Since you are so unconvinced, then prove to me, prove to me that you are better than that sister of yours , you are better than your sister."

"Okay." Sun Yan agreed subconsciously, but after saying this, she realized something was wrong and immediately said: "Master Huo, this is a bit bad, after all, I..."

But Huo Linyuan frowned when he heard this: "What do you mean? Are all your words a lie? If you are really like this, then..." Huo Linyuan frowned when he said this. He frowned.

Such a questioning attitude really made Sun Yan feel a little scared.

 “No, of course not, how could this happen, how could I possibly do this.”

 (End of this chapter)

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