Chapter 1337 My son is still young

 But Lu Jing thought he was very kind.

 But in Lu Jing's eyes, he was very stupid, very stupid.

 But what can be done about this?

 It’s good if you can make your father angry, there is really no need to pay so much attention to it.

“Thank you uncle, uncle, you are really the best. I have never seen such a good uncle like you. You are really the best uncle in the world.”

Li Beichen, who was originally speechless, became even more speechless when he saw Mo Bao like this.

 Even a bit of a wry smile.

 My son is really a bit too smart.

  Simply a little too clever.

The reason why Li Beichen felt this way was because when Mo Bao was praising Lu Jing, he glanced at him secretly, as if he was afraid that he wouldn't be heard or that he wouldn't be angry.

 This child.

"Hahaha, Li Beichen, I didn't expect you to give birth to such a discerning son. Your son is really outstanding and smart. I really didn't expect someone like you to give birth to such a smart child. He is really yours. What a blessing." When he said this, Lu Jing suddenly thought of something: "By the way, this is not your ability. The credit for this matter should be attributed to my aunt. If it weren't for my aunt, after all, you Just provide a seed, and the subsequent cultivation is all aunt’s business, not yours.”

Li Beichen: "Is it really okay for you to say this in front of your children?"

Lu Jing was stunned when he heard this.

Then he looked at such a small child in front of him and turned around and said: "Hey, what do you think? How old is this child? What does he know? Li Beichen, even if your child is smart, he is still You can't be so smart. Your child is not even three years old. If your child is really so smart, then your child is really a monster."

 But when Mo Bao heard this, he really wanted to curse.

  He really understands it after all.    Well, it's really a bit like a monster.

However, Mo Bao felt that his rebirth in this life was really good.

Although he was his mother's only child and the only heir of the Li family in his previous life, his mother had to bear a lot of responsibilities because of his father's early death.

 Although my mother tried hard to give herself a warm childhood.

 But... his mother also had to let herself take responsibility quickly, and Mo Bao himself also hoped that he could grow up quickly, so his childhood was not easy.

 But this life is different.

With this dad supporting me in this life, no matter what happens, I and my mother will be more comfortable than before.

 It’s really comfortable.

 This may also be the reason why God allowed himself to be reborn.

 Just want to enjoy this life unscrupulously.

When he thought of this, Mo Bao smiled sweetly.

"Hahaha, you brat, you really have a nice smile, but what do you mean by that smile? Do you also think what Uncle Lu said is good and right? Hahaha, a smart kid like you can't If you think so, it seems that my uncle is really good."

 After Lu Jing finished speaking, the calligraphy treasure was snatched away.

"My son is still young, do you still listen to children? Lu Jing, sometimes you really need to think carefully about things when you encounter them. If you don't think about them, you will really encounter a lot of jokes. It was really a bad time.”

After Li Beichen finished speaking, he hugged Mo Bao and left.

 (End of this chapter)

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