Chapter 1345 What is this big brother doing?

With Lu Jing's behavior, Mo Bao really didn't know what to say.

Well, Lu Jing’s old age in his last life was not particularly good.

 He followed the so-called male and female couple.

 In the end, I gave all my property to the other party, and followed their instructions on everything. But if I was a little better, I would be better than them, and slowly eroded the Huo family.

 In the end, he accidentally swallowed up the Lu family.

 Lu Jing was finally sent to a better nursing home by Lan Min and Huo Linyuan's children.

 It is said to be relatively good, but in fact it is very poor.

However, Mo Bao could also understand that at that time, Lu Jing had no use value. In addition, his methods were a little ruthless, and they did not have much money. It was impossible to treat an old man who was not related by blood as his biological father. .

 So the final land scene results were not very good.

Looking at the guy in front of him, he felt that he deserved it.

Lu Jing felt really unhappy when he was looked at by Mo Bao like this: "You, you, you, don't look at me like this, I'm also your elder, it's wrong for you to scare me like this, it's not okay of."

When Mo Bao heard this, he really couldn't help but said: "You call me mom and aunt, you and I are of the same generation, okay?"

 “Yes, that seems to be the case.”

Mo Bao: ...what is called seems to be this principle.

Now Mo Bao really regrets it. If he had known that this guy was so unreliable, he would not have thought of asking him to take him to find his mother because of the trouble.

  It’s really…

 Hey, it’s really one wrong step, one wrong step after another.

 It’s really unlucky.

Just when Mo Bao was slandering, Lu Jing suddenly looked at him.

Looking at him directly like this made Mo Bao's heart skip a beat. Why is this guy looking at me like this?

 Has this guy been pretending all along?

 To get yourself hooked?

The habits of adults in his previous life made Mo Bao subconsciously suspicious, and subconsciously began to wonder about Lu Jing's abilities.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Lu Jing came directly in front of him and said: "How old are you? Are you a human? Are you the legendary Tianshan child grandmother? Ahhhhh, why are you like this?" You are so smart."

 When Mo Bao heard this, he knew that he had really thought too much.

This Lu Jing...there is simply something wrong with his brain.

 Something very wrong.

"That's because I am my parents' child." What else can Mo Bao do? He is just a child now. Since he is a child, he has to do something that a child should do.

"You are still a child. Now I really feel that your brain is better than mine. You are really powerful. Are you a human being?"

  Mo Bao:…

These words really made Mo Bao unbearable.

 He gave Lu Jing a straight look.

Lu Jing suddenly lost his composure when he saw Mo Bao’s eyes rolled:…

"You, you, you, why are you rolling your eyes at me? What do you mean? You don't look down on me, do you? Wuwuwu, what is the value of living in this world for me? I really feel that my life is a bit white. Live, why is my life so miserable?"

 Mo Bao is really full of question marks now.

How is this going.

What on earth is this big brother doing?

 (End of this chapter)

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