Chapter 1360 Huo Linyuan’s confession

 When the atmosphere was quiet for about three minutes.

Huo Linyuan finally spoke.

 He said: "I have a project that will definitely make a lot of money and increase my strength."

But just as Huo Linyuan said this, Mr. Qian interrupted him coldly: "What do you mean? What on earth am I in your eyes? Am I a beggar who can be dismissed casually? You treated me like that just now. Now that I have said so much, in your eyes, am I just being unreasonable? "

"You can give me something casually, give me some benefits casually, then in this case, I can run up to you with a smile and be grateful? Huo Linyuan, am I just a dog in your eyes? I can give you some casual benefits. Is that okay?”

"Who do you think you are, Huo Linyuan? Who gave you the courage to do this, Huo Linyuan?"

Huo Linyuan spoke again when Mr. Qian was roaring: "This is not a dismissal, it is my sincerity. You should remember that I cooperated with the government on a project. This project can greatly improve reputation and funds. If you personally If the company really gets or participates in this cooperation, then your company will definitely improve qualitatively. ”

“Huo Linyuan, what do you mean?”

Huo Linyuan feels that the current situation requires a step forward.

 Only the brave can obtain more benefits.

 If you are not brave, then you can only be passive.

Huo Linyuan has never been the so-called timid person.

"If your company is really completed, then your company can come to everyone's attention in the shortest time. In this case, it will be more useful than if you get many projects from me. In this situation, it is completely You can exchange it for the useless Li Group shares in your hand."

 Once these words come out, what can be done with the money?

He could only return to Huo Linyuan honestly.

However, after Mr. Qian returned to Huo Linyuan, he looked at Huo Linyuan carefully.

And Huo Linyuan didn't say anything.

 Just stood here quietly and let him watch. In the end, Mr. Qian could only say: "Huo Linyuan, is it really worth it for you?"

When Huo Linyuan heard this, his body suddenly stiffened.

However, Huo Linyuan soon returned to normal and sat down immediately.

"Mr. Qian, I understand what you want to say, but I can't say whether it's worth it or not. I can even say whether what I'm saying now is worth it is actually a joke to you, a joke that has no meaning at all. When I achieve my goal and prove to you that what I do is meaningful, then that’s it.”

 When Mr. Qian heard this, his eyes were really searching for Huo Linyuan more and more.

"I really envy you now. No, I can even say that I think I should really reflect on myself. Seeing you like this really reminds me of the past, when I was young, I When I was young, I thought about keeping my family property, living a good life, and living happily, but I never thought about starting a career.

  Hey, seeing you like this, I really feel that I am such a failure, such a failure. "

Huo Linyuan snorted in his heart when he heard this.

This old thing.

 It is of no use at all and has no brains at all.

 It’s like this, how can you compare yourself with yourself?

 This is also the case, Huo Linyuan will not be afraid.

 Huo Linyuan stretched out his hand towards Mr. Qian: "Mr. Qian, what you said is really too much. You are not a simple person. I really hope we can have a happy cooperation."

Mr. Qian also extended his hand.

 Both men laughed.

 (End of this chapter)

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