Chapter 1366 Huo Linyuan gets the shares

 The moment Huo Linyuan got the shares.

  I feel really relieved.

Seeing Huo Linyuan's happy look, Luo Qian next to him was also happy: "Linyuan, now we are sure of victory. This time we must take care of that Su Nian, and even defeat Su Nian completely, so that Su Nian can't stand up at all."

When Huo Linyuan heard this, his eyes became sharp.

 He didn't take Su Nian seriously before.

 But now for Huo Linyuan, nothing can compare to killing Su Nian.

Now Huo Linyuan feels that the most embarrassing thing in his life is Su Nian. If Su Nian lives in this world, it will be his shame, and everyone in this world will think that he is a joke.

 So this Su Nian must disappear from this world.

Lin Na next to her frowned slightly when she saw the two men like this.

 Is it really appropriate for these two men to be like this?

Anyway, Lin Na really felt that these two men were a bit too embarrassed.

Luo Qian saw Lin Na's expression at this moment, and then looked at Lin Na displeased: "Lin Na, what's your expression? Are you unhappy? Do you think I'm telling lies?"

Although Luo Qian has decided to have something to do with Lin Na, the premise is that Lin Na must be honest. If Lin Na really has any alien intentions, then he will definitely not marry someone with alien intentions. Lin Na immediately put away her expression: "I just think that this Su Nian is not a simple person. I think we should be more careful. If we are not careful, we may be killed by Su Nian. After all, This Su Nian is not a simple person."

"Lin Na, what do you mean by this? What you said really makes others more ambitious and destroys our own prestige."

Lin Na finally saw that this Luo Qian was an arrogant maniac. It would be great if Luo Qian had the ability like Huo Linyuan. The key point is that this Luo Qian really has no so-called ability at all, so this Luo Qian is just a simple arrogant.

Luo Qian's arrogance is really annoying.

Lin Na even felt that Luo Qian was not as good as Lu Jing. After all, Lu Jing's temperament was at least obedient and would not be so irritating.

If Lin Na could know what Luo Qian was thinking at this moment, she would definitely vomit blood. The reason why she said this was because Luo Qian wanted to use this opportunity to let Lin Na take a good look at her abilities. Only in this way can she Let Lin Na be her own woman.

Lin Na said calmly: "I was wrong, I was really wrong."

When Luo Qian saw what Lin Na said, he continued: "You just have too little experience. I don't blame you for this. If you stay with Linyuan and me more, I must have a lot of experience." , I believe you will never have such thoughts in the future.”

What can I say, Lin Na really wants to laugh now.

This Luo Qian is really arrogant, and not just ordinary arrogant, it can even be said to be extremely arrogant.

After Luo Qian finished talking to Lin Na, he turned and looked at Huo Linyuan: "Linyuan, you are really powerful. After all, you can get Su Nian's child. Su Nian is a woman after all. As long as he is a woman, then he His child is his weakness, and now that his weakness is in our hands, we are still afraid of not winning. "

 (End of this chapter)

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