Chapter 1377: A great joke in the world

 Everything is so noisy.

 Li's Group.

Li Beichen is not someone to be trifled with.

 Carry out a counterattack immediately.

 The person who started to clean up Mr. Qian.

You must know that the proportion of money in the entire company is really very small.

 Cleaning up Mr. Qian is really easier than before.

 After all, given the situation of Mr. Qian, the positions that can be arranged are not high.

  Mr. Qian’s people were easily eliminated.

 It can even be said that it is being cleaned up like garbage. In such a situation, it is better to give no money at all.

 Zong Qian was very angry when he saw this situation.

 Immediately went to Li Beichen angrily.

The moment he saw Li Beichen, he immediately said directly: "Li Beichen, what are you doing? What do you think of our company as my own plaything? You were not in the company before and didn't care about the company. Forget it, you What does it matter now? You are expelling people casually. What does this mean? “I will expel those who should be expelled, and I will give perfect reasons for everyone. If you are not satisfied with my reasons, then you can give them. I said, as long as you say it, I will definitely explain to you why I used this reason. If you are really dissatisfied, then you are looking for trouble with me, or even deal with me, then I No complaints either.”

"Li Beichen, what do you mean by this? Do you think that I am a fool? Do you really think that I don't know that you are here for me? You are really going too far. Although I I don’t have many shares in the company, but I have worked hard in the company for so many years. With your current situation, you are really not afraid of chilling the hearts of our older generation. "

  When Mr. Qian finished saying this, a joking smile appeared on Li Beichen's face, and then he said: "For example, for example."

Mr. Qian asked subconsciously: "For example, what do you mean by this? Don't bully me for not understanding. You are really going too far. I am your elder. What have I done for our company over the years? You You don’t know at all, you white-eyed wolf.”

"I just want to give you an example. You have stayed in our company for so many years. It can even be said that you have stayed in the company since you were a little older and contributed to our company. I really want to know what contributions you have made to our company. What contribution have you made to our company?" Give me an example, give me a little bit of credibility, so that I can know exactly what I did, so that I can properly apologize to you."

When Mr. Qian heard this, he subconsciously wanted to speak, but when he did, he seemed to realize something and shut up immediately.

Li Beichen snorted coldly after seeing Mr. Qian shut up: "Huh, why don't you speak? You can't say anything. Don't forget how you got your shares."

"What do you mean by this? How did I get my shares? What you mean by this is that you really seem to be calculating my shares. Let me tell you, don't mess around. If you really mess around, Then I’m really rude to you.”

"What else can I mean? I'm just reminding you a little bit. I even feel that if I don't remind you, you might think that your shares are based on your own performance and your work ability. You are in my It’s okay to think like this in front of others, but if you think like this in front of others, you are really the most ridiculous person in the world.”

 (End of this chapter)

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