Chapter 1396 Everything is settled

Just when Huo Linyuan was about to stab her.

 It can be said that it is, just a little bit short of time.

Su Nian took advantage of this flash of lightning and grabbed Huo Linyuan's arm. Yes, he grabbed Huo Linyuan.

 She used a lot of strength.

“Sister,” Su Nian shouted.

Sun Ying'er used her strength and stabbed the knife into Huo Linyuan's body.

Huo Linyuan's body suddenly stiffened.

But at this critical moment, Huo Linyuan actually stabbed Su Nian with the knife in his backhand.

 “Nian Nian!” Sun Yinger shouted.

Su Nian and Huo Linyuan fell to the ground at the same time.

Huo Linyuan laughed and said: "Even if I die with you today, I will never let you go. It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, things wouldn't be like this. It's all you. Why do you want to live in this world?" superior."

In his last life, Mo Bao took care of Huo Linyuan.

Su Nian was also old at the time.

 Just leave everything to Mo Bao.

 So I have never seen what Huo Linyuan, the so-called destiny male protagonist, looks like when he loses.

 Thinking about it now, it makes up for the regret.

"Su Nian, no matter what price I pay today, even if it's the price of my life, I will keep you here." After Huo Linyuan said this, he wanted to stand up.

Sun Yinger rushed over again and stabbed the knife into Huo Linyuan's body.

Huo Linyuan grabbed the dagger with his backhand, and then pulled Sun Ying'er directly in front of him: "Why, why do you, a woman, do this to me? I told you a long time ago that I would marry you, and you are my Mrs. Huo. Why aren't you satisfied?"

"What on earth did Su Nian give you and why do you have to be so determined? Tell me, what did Su Nian give you to make you like this? Tell me. If you tell me, then I will definitely give you double the amount." , or even several times..."

When Sun Ying'er heard this, she laughed directly: "Haha, what did Su Nian give me? I also want to know what he gave me. Maybe it gave me hope in life, letting me know that I don't need to rely on anyone in my life. , You only need to rely on yourself to have a good life.”

 When Huo Linyuan screamed out these two names.

There were a lot of alarm bells ringing around.

Li Beichen also ran over quickly.

When Li Beichen saw Su Nian like this, he really felt that the blood in his body ran cold.

 He immediately ran to Su Nian's side.

 Then he held her tightly in his arms.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I lied to you and made you hurt. I clearly told you, I’m sorry.”

Li Beichen hugged Su Nian tightly.

The moment Su Nian was held in the man's arms, the stone in her heart seemed to fall to the ground.

 Suddenly I wanted to cry.

 But I don’t know why I cry.

Li Beichen feels a little regretful now. He regrets why he hesitated and why he made that so-called rational decision but didn’t follow that decision...

When he thought of this, Li Beichen looked at Huo Linyuan with murderous eyes: "Huo Linyuan, you are finished. Now everyone in the world knows that you can transfer related government projects to others for your own selfish interests. It's completely They have not gone through the proper channels, and the Huo Group will suffer disaster because of your behavior."

When Li Beichen said this, Su Nian was really tired, indescribably tired.

 She rested her head on Li Beichen's arms.

"I am so tired."

Li Beichen lowered his head and kissed her forehead: "Go to sleep, I will take care of the rest, and I will take care of the rest. Have a good rest. When you wake up, you will see me, and I will take care of the rest." With our children, it is over after all."

 (End of this chapter)

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