The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 211: Sorry, your phone number is currently on the phone. Please wait a moment.

Chapter 211 Sorry, your phone number is currently on the phone. Please try again later.

When Su Nian heard this, his pupils suddenly shook.

 Hand cream.

 Old man, what does this mean? What does this mean? Is that what she meant?

 Knowing that she had beaten Li Beichen, why did she give her hand cream?

The butler continued when Su Nian's pupils were shaking: "Young lady, the master said that the hands are a woman's second face, so he feels that since you use it, you must take good care of it. This hand cream , I selected the best hand cream from hundreds of hand creams in the shortest time and sent it to you. Of course, if you feel bad, young lady, then you can tell me, I I can help you change it.”

Su Nian:…

  【Ah ah ah ah, do you think Li Beichen can't kill me? 】

   【Although I know that the old man has clearly told Li Beichen that I am protected and supported by him, but I stay with Li Beichen every day, and it will only take a minute for him to kill me. 】

  【Forget it, let's just run away. 】

Su Nian immediately planned to stand up.

 But before she could stand up completely, she was held in the man's arms.

Su Nian:! !

Li Beichen hugged Su Nian and motioned to the housekeeper to bring the things over.

You must know that the housekeeper is the old man's confidant. Since he is the person whom the old man protects, of course he must pay special attention to him. When he saw Li Beichen's behavior, he quickly said: "Young Master"

Li Beichen's eyes glanced at him.

 The housekeeper can only hand it over if he is obedient.

Li Beichen took the thing, opened it, and poured the hand cream on his big palm.

“Since it is dad’s wish, if we waste it, dad will definitely be sad.”

Su Nian's body froze.

  【md, is this girl going to die here today? 】

  【Ah ah ah, it's finished. 】

   【What should I do if I have to die? 】

She watched as Li Beichen raised his hand, and then applied hand cream to her hand bit by bit. The hands of the two people were intertwined like this.

 Every collision.

This all made Su Nian's heart move.

 Ten fingers connected to the heart.

In this case…

 After realizing what he was thinking, Su Nian couldn't help but spit on himself.

  【What's wrong with me? Why is my mind filled with yellow waste? What's wrong with my fingers and my heart? I can think of these four words randomly. I'm really drunk. 】

When Li Beichen heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then he whispered in her ear: "Ten fingers can connect our hearts. Can this connect our hearts?"

Su Nian couldn't help but look sideways when he heard this.

The two people looked at each other.

next moment.

  【Sorry, your phone is currently on the phone, please try again later. 】

  【Haha, this **** **** can actually say this. 】

                           ifies ground ?? 】

However, Su Nian still looked elsewhere.

Li Beichen could naturally tell that she was feeling guilty.

 He lowered his head and continued to apply hand cream on Su Nian carefully.

"Okay, Su Nian has used it. If the effect is good tomorrow, then I will tell the old man and ask you to continue sending it."

When the housekeeper saw the two of them so close, he almost burst into laughter: "Okay, okay, young master, if young mistress is really effective, you can tell me at any time, and I will definitely do it in the shortest possible time." Send the things over within the time!”

 (End of this chapter)

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