Chapter 216 All property is transferred to Su Nian

If someone had told Li Beichen before that he knew what regret felt like, then Li Beichen might have felt that that person was playing a trick on him.

 But now Li Beichen has really experienced what regret feels like.

“I actually don’t have much money to spend, Beichen, you don’t have to do this.”

"It's useful." Li Beichen interrupted Su Nian directly.

Su Nian shut up immediately.

Li Beichen looked at Su Nian: "Do you think I did this to tease you? Do you think I did this just to embarrass you and see your jokes like before?"

Su Nian:…

Of course she thought so, but when Li Beichen said it directly, she was still a little embarrassed for no reason.

Su Nian doesn’t know what to say now.

Li Beichen then said to Zhou Xu next to him: "Help me sort out all the property in my name, and then transfer it to Su Nian's name."

These words successfully surprised both Su Nian and Zhou Xu.

 They all have only one idea in their minds.

Li Beichen is crazy.

"I really knew that I was wrong about what happened before. I think in your eyes, you may think that I am acting. I understand this idea, but I want to prove that I am not acting."

At this moment, Su Nian wanted to find something in Li Beichen's eyes that could prove that he was acting.

 But nothing can be found.

 “Are you crazy?” Su Nian said uncontrollably.

But when Li Beichen heard this, he wasn't angry at all: "Maybe, maybe I'm crazy. I know it was my fault for what happened between me and Lan Min before. I shouldn't let you bear it. You shouldn't bear it." You shouldn’t fail to do what a husband should do.”

"These are just external things. If I can make you trust me, then everything will be worth it."

At this moment, Su Nian really didn't know whether Li Beichen was acting to gain his trust so that he could donate a kidney to Lan Min, or whether he was sincere. If it's the former, then Li Beichen is really a very powerful licker, and he can actually do this for his sweetheart.

If it was the latter, it would make Su Nian a little flustered.

 After all, Li Beichen’s character is not like this.

     Why, why is this happening? What does Li Beichen want to do? Why is he different from Li Beichen in his previous life? What has changed this time. 】

When Li Beichen heard this, his heart suddenly suffocated.

Su Nian was finally able to realize that he was different from before, from the so-called Li Beichen?

 “But I have a condition.”

Su Nian was inexplicably relieved after hearing this.

  【Hey, I almost got fooled, let me just tell you, how could Li Beichen give me so much. 】

  【It really made me almost think that the sun rose from the west today. 】

"My condition is that you must be my wife. Su Nian, this request is not too much."

Su Nian:…

Now Su Nian really thinks this guy is crazy.

Li Beichen stood up and walked towards Su Nian. After all, at a time like this, what he had to do was to strike while the iron was hot, and take this opportunity to let Su Nian completely understand that he had begun to change, and he was no longer the Li Beichen he was before!

But he hasn’t reached Su Nian yet.

  【Damn it, I was deceived by this guy again. Isn't it his property? What's the point of this? It's like I care a lot. After all, I'm his legal wife. After this guy dies, it will be me in the end anyway, but it's just earlier. 】

  【What's the big deal about this. 】

Li Beichen:…

 (End of this chapter)

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