Chapter 358 This monk is definitely not a serious monk

After being carried by Li Beichen for a while, Su Nian couldn't help but said: "Beichen, please let me down. It's really not possible. You can carry me like this when I can't walk anymore."

"If that's really the case, your feet will hurt when the time comes, and the final result will definitely be that I feel distressed. You know, distressed feelings are very uncomfortable, and I don't want to feel uncomfortable." The man's voice was accompanied by the breeze in the mountains, It even seems a little refreshing.

Su Nian hugged Li Beichen's neck. She felt the thickness of the man's shoulders, which made her feel a peace of mind that she had never felt before. It was the kind that cannot be described in words.

 Because it is a working day.

There are only a few tourists in the mountains.

But with an appearance like Li Beichen's, it's hard not to attract attention here, and some people even took photos during the period.

But Li Beichen had no consciousness and just climbed up.

 There was only one pause in the middle, just to tell Su Nian: "If you feel bored, just close your eyes and rest for a while. I will call you when you get there."

Su Nian couldn't help but glance at his mouth when he heard this.

How can I sleep in this situation with so many people watching? 】

Li Beichen's mouth curled up unconsciously, and then he speeded up.

Although Su Nian complained, she still closed her eyes.

 About an hour later.

 The two finally arrived at the Main Hall.

They looked at each other, then walked into the main hall together and knelt in front of the Buddha.

After kneeling down, Su Nian closed his eyes and made a wish to the Buddha with great piety.

[Buddha, can you bless me to be pregnant with my child as soon as possible? I know that in the last life, the fate between mother and child was perfect enough. I am a bit greedy to beg here now, but I really want to be with my child. It doesn't matter what the price is for the child to have a new relationship. 】

Li Beichen, who listened to Su Nian's voice, really felt a little regretful at this moment.

But he took one look at the tall Buddha statue and smiled.

 He actually came here not just for a good life.     But to seek peace of mind and a better future.

Li Beichen had never believed in the so-called gods and Buddhas before, but what he had experienced these days made him have to believe in the so-called gods and Buddhas.

Even if he knew very well that the world they were in was a book, it was useless to ask gods and Buddhas.

 But he still wanted to come.

 Perhaps it was because he was the culprit of all her suffering in the last life, and even God could not stand the things that happened to her in the previous life, that's why she was like this.

 But he really wanted to ask for something.

 I pray that the so-called gods and Buddhas can give him this opportunity, so that he can have the opportunity to bring her happiness in this life.

Even if Su Nian doesn't love him and will never fall in love with him, it's okay.

 As long as he can be by her side.

  It won’t be like in the dream, you can’t even touch it.

 Then the two of them worshiped the Buddha very devoutly.

After the prayers were finished, the host immediately came over and said, "Amitabha, the Buddha must have seen the sincerity of your two donors, and I believe that the Buddha will definitely be able to ensure that your wishes come true."

Li Beichen nodded lightly: "I hope so."

“I don’t know why Donor Li came here, whether to ask for a fortune or to clear up doubts. I am willing to help Donor Li.”

"My wife and I want to get a marriage certificate in the near future, so we thought about asking the abbot if he could calculate a lucky day for us." When Li Beichen said this, he subconsciously glanced at Su Nian beside him.

The host was obviously startled when he heard this, and then asked doubtfully: "Get the certificate? If Pindao remembered correctly, Donor Li and his wife should have received the certificate long ago and achieved righteousness? Did I remember it wrong?"

Su Nian:…

I felt something was wrong when this monk called Li Beichen "Donor Li" when he saw him for the first time. I felt that this monk knew Li Beichen. Now, I can confirm that this monk is definitely not a serious monk and is definitely not serious. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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