The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 374: Huo Linyuan's psychological quality is too poor

Chapter 374 Huo Linyuan’s psychological quality is too poor

 Actually, Su Nian understands.

The reason why Huo Linyuan started with her marriage to Li Beichen was simply because the marriage of a company leader must be stable.

 Even if it is placed in an ordinary company.

 The marriage of a company leader must also be approved by the board of directors. After all, if there is any scandal in the marriage, it will definitely affect the company's stock price.

 But she said it on purpose.

After all, how could the male protagonist, who was so arrogant, tolerate being a cuckold?

As expected, Huo Linyuan said coldly: "Miss Su, I hope that when you speak, you will consider the consequences of speaking like this."

Su Nian snorted coldly when he heard this. He was indeed a domineering president.

"Of course I know you have to use your brain when speaking, but Mr. Huo, what I said is not true. What is the past between Lan Min and Li Beichen? As Lan Min's man, you should know better than me. Now you are threatening me. It's better for me to take care of my own woman." At this point, Su Nian paused and said, "Do you, Mr. Huo, want two men to serve one wife?"

 After saying this, there was a strong noise on the other end of the phone. of

 The kind that is very ear-splitting.

Su Nian’s ears hurt so much from the shock.

"Oh, this Huo Linyuan's psychological quality is really bad. He just says a few words casually and then throws the phone away, like a bitch." Su Nian said in disgust while rubbing his ears.

Unexpectedly, when she raised her eyes, she saw Sun Ying'er's admiring eyes.

 Such a look made Su Nian a little embarrassed.

Sun Ying'er: "Nian Nian, you are really awesome, do you know? I have known Huo Linyuan for so many years, but I have never seen anyone dare to speak to him like this. You are really awesome like this."

"What, sister, you can't say that. I actually made the call because of that. Hehe, I thought that even if Huo Linyuan had the ability, he couldn't cause trouble for me over the phone." Su Nian hehe. Laughed a few times.

Sun Ying'er shook her head. Anyway, she didn't even dare to treat Huo Linyuan like that on the phone. I really don’t have the guts.

Su Nian: "But now we have to see if Huo Linyuan will call again. If Huo Linyuan doesn't call, then Lan Min's health may only have a small problem. On the contrary, our goal has been achieved."

Su Nian is also a little curious about how deep the love between the male and female protagonists is.

At the same time, if Huo Linyuan really calls and asks him to put forward conditions, what conditions should he put forward.

When Su Nian thought of this, an idea flashed across his mind.

And Zhou Xu’s cell phone ringtone rang again.

Zhou Xu glanced at the phone screen, and then gave Su Nian a look.

Sure enough, when the call was answered again, Huo Linyuan's voice rang out with gritted teeth: "I know this matter, and neither of us can take advantage of it, so I just hope that you can leave me alone while I'm recovering from illness. I can satisfy you." Any request you have.”

"You won't take action against us either?" Su Nian raised his eyebrows slightly. Do you want to stop the war?


After receiving Huo Linyuan's affirmative reply, Su Nian said, "If I remember correctly, the Huo family has a hot spring resort center in the south of the city. It's almost winter now. If Mr. Huo can give me this hot spring resort center, Then I think I will have a great time this winter.”

“Okay, as you wish, I will arrange for someone to deliver the transfer documents to you.” After saying this, he hung up the phone.

That one is called a neat one.

 (End of this chapter)

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