Chapter 405 Are you going to be a rogue?

"I think it's better for me to stay here. These guys are here for me. If anything happens to you, the entire Li Group will be implicated." Su Nian took the bug from Li Beichen's hand and said, Put it back in your pocket.

"It's very dangerous." How could Li Beichen let Su Nian face Huo Linyuan alone.

You must know that Huo Linyuan can do anything now.

Su Nian lowered his voice and said, "Then can you be a rogue?"

Li Beichen didn’t understand.

"Didn't you say that we have the final say in our family? Beichen, I am willing to do anything for you." Su Nian said to the bug.

And mouthed to Li Beichen, "You are waiting by the side."

Li Beichen understood that Su Nian had a plan, and then he kissed her lightly on the forehead and walked back.

 When Li Beichen disappeared, she walked back to Officer Yang's side.

 Fortunately, Li Beichen showed up before Huo Linyuan.

Then this round, we really lost.

 She turned around and saw numerous police cars driving towards her.

I have to say, the scene is really grand.

Police cars formed a circle around Su Nian, and then people in police uniforms came down and surrounded Su Nian.

At the same time, he also drew his gun.

 “Raise your hands, hold your head and squat down.”

The police asked Su Nian to squat down and then went to check on Officer Yang: "Su Nian, what have you done!"

Su Nian fell directly to the ground, clutching her stomach and saying with pain on her face: "Ah, my belly, my belly, come on, please save my child."

The police were a little confused when they saw Su Nian in this situation.

Not only the police were confused, but the husband Li Beichen was also confused.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Su Nian just said, "Then can you act rogue?"

Li Beichen immediately took out his cell phone and started giving instructions.

 After all, the wife wants to act, and as a husband, he must have good logistics cooperation.

"Please, save my child, I can't live without this child." The group of people were also confused.

But it’s not a big deal for Su Nian to call out like this.

 The group could only rush her to the hospital in a hurry.

 They had just stepped through the door of the hospital.

 Two helicopters appeared on the roof of the hospital and landed at the same time.

 And two men got off the helicopter at the same time.

“Li Beichen, it seems you really care about this woman.”

“She is my wife, how could I not care? She is also my life!”

But Huo Linyuan smiled and shook his head: "Okay, let's stop playing. Tell us your conditions. How do you want to end this game?"

 “Game?” Li Beichen laughed directly.

"Now that Su Nian has been charged with assaulting a police officer, she is in doom this time. After all, assaulting a police officer is a serious crime. With so many people watching her following the police, if anything happens to the police, she will Directly responsible, even the death penalty, Li Beichen, you should know better than anyone how much impact it will have on you if you have such a wife. Now is your last chance. "

Li Beichen now felt insulted.

 What a **** opportunity.

 Does he have a choice now?

Even if he chooses to give up on Su Nian, she is still his wife now and cannot escape at all. Instead, she will still be a joke.


"You and I will join forces to perform surgery on Ji'er and make Su Nian disappear from this world. At the same time, I can satisfy you on one condition." This was Huo Linyuan's final bottom line.

 As he spoke, he took out a knife and threw it at Li Beichen's feet.

Huo Linyuan hates Su Nian now.

I hate this woman, I really hate her to my core.

 He was even willing to bow his head to Li Beichen to make this woman disappear.

 (End of this chapter)

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