The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 632: Use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son

Chapter 632 Attacking Zi’s Shield with Zi’s Spear

 Huo Linyuan’s life.

When Lan Min heard this, he took a few steps back.

  Seeing Lan Min like this, Li Beichen's eyes were filled with mockery.


But if the female protagonist Lan Min really kills the male protagonist Huo Linyuan...

 You must know that Li Beichen has been preparing for something.

 How to deal with Huo Linyuan, the so-called male protagonist, through others.

 But now Li Beichen has another idea.

 What if Lan Min is allowed to deal with Huo Linyuan?

 It’s like a story about contradictions. What if the son’s spear attacks the son’s shield?

Su Nian talks about it every day. She is a vicious female supporting character. In this novel, she is a vicious female supporting character. So what, just be vicious.

"Beichen, why do you always push me like this? You clearly know that I..."

"Yes, I know exactly what you are thinking, that's why I said this. If you can really kill Huo Linyuan, then the Huo family will be leaderless. In this way, I can better develop the Li family."

At this moment, Lan Min remembered the scene where Huo Linyuan said something similar.

  She really didn’t understand why this was happening, why they were always like this.

 “Why, why do you always have to do this, why can’t you live in peace...”

Li Beichen didn't want to hear this woman's nonsense, so he interrupted directly: "Anyway, this is my request. If you can do it, then I will forgive you. If you can't do it, then I hope you don't do it with me." appeared in front of me!”

 After saying that, he left.

 Why can't we live in peace? Li Beichen really felt disgusted.

What kind of brain does this have to say this? However, Li Beichen felt that he and Lan Min had been friends for so many years, so he couldn't embarrass her too much and had to help her.

Dog bites dog, no matter who wins, it will be a piece of hair~


Li Beichen and Huo Linyuan.

  兰伈 is really not available.

 Why, why is this happening?

 Why are they always killing each other like this?

 With such questions, she found Lin Na.

 After all, in this situation, she really doesn’t know who to look for.

Now she really felt like she was alone.

 But when Lan Min finished saying this, Lin Na just laughed.

 Laughing very wildly.

"I'm really curious now, why do these men fall in love with you? Is it because you are so clear and stupid?" When Lin Na said this, Lin Na paused and looked up and down: "If you think of it that way, you're really special."

 Anyone who is so humiliated would feel uncomfortable: "Lin Na, don't say that, me and..."

"What benefits can you bring to them? Let's not talk about Huo Linyuan. Let's talk about this Li Beichen. You don't give it to him. He has liked you for so many years. Hey, this man is just a bitch. The more he gets, the more he gets. The more you don't have, the more you want it." Lin Na felt a little sympathetic to Su Nian now: "This is Su Nian too, why are you still so persistent? If it were me, I would have changed my man a long time ago."

"What does Su Nian want from Beichen?" Lan Min's voice was a bit sharp.

"What, the old man said a long time ago that all his property will be given to Su Nian, and Su Nian's parents died early, and her parents' inheritance is also in her hands, as well as the shares of Su Group, Su Group At this point, Lin Na laughed: "I'll tell you what you don't want to hear, Su Nian's own wealth is something you won't be able to earn in a few lifetimes."

 (End of this chapter)

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