Chapter 634 The happiness of the rich

Lan Min now feels more and more that he is not a human being in the eyes of Lin Na.

 It’s just a toy.

 And it’s the kind of toy that is thrown away casually.

As long as Lin Na doesn’t want to play with it, she will definitely discard her toy every minute.

 Such a feeling really made Lan Min feel uncomfortable.

 You need to know how you could let such a thing happen when Beichen was by your side.

  Yes, Beichen.

"Okay, okay, I won't tell you anymore. Let's just watch the show. After all, this is the show that Su Nian and Sun Ying'er spent so much effort on. If you don't watch it seriously, then we will have wasted them. "

When Lan Min heard this, he became curious.

 She has known Lin Na for so long, and she finally understands how ambitious Lin Na is, so she is curious about what Lin Na is preparing for.

But it can make Su Nian feel uncomfortable,

 She was very happy.

 Then the two of them looked at the screen.

Lin Na and Lan Min actually didn’t pay much attention to the program itself before, but how similar the contestants in this program were to Huo Linyuan.

Even in their eyes, Huo Linyuan was unattainable.

There can be no second Huo Linyuan in this world.

  But when all the players appeared, Lin Na and Lan Min were shocked.

 It's really similar.

 Not only one person, but also many images.

At this time, Lin Na said thoughtfully: "I finally understand why Huo Linyuan took the initiative to find the Sun family but asked for marriage. His attitude is different from before. Indeed, if you just like Huo Linyuan's face, then there are so many faces here Why do you want Huo Linyuan's deity? "" If one is tired, then change one, although they may have a face, but everyone has a different personality, so there will be a lot of freshness, still Su Nian, or Su Nian. They know how to play, they really know how to play, they are definitely not pretending to know how to play.”

 When Lin Na said this, she looked at Lan Min next to her.

 Unexpectedly, I saw Lan Min with a serious face.

At this moment, Lin Na really felt like a flock of crows were flying over her head.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? What are you doing staring at these fakes? You must know that yours is the real thing. The guy you sleep with every night is the real thing. It is definitely the real thing." Lin Na is now really I am becoming more and more disgusted with this orchid. He really has no merit at all.

But Lin Na was also curious about where Su Nian and the others got so many "Huo Linyuan" from.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t check this. Once you check this, you will be really speechless.

I am really speechless.

As we all know, this is actually an imitation show competition, so Su Nian and Sun Ying'er told everyone that if anyone wants to become Huo Linyuan through some technical means, just think, and their program team will arrange it.

 That’s right, it’s an arrangement.

 They are all produced by their program team.

 It is through such artificial means that so many people were created.

When Lin Na saw the result, she couldn't help but sigh again: "This Su Nian and Sun Ying'er are really not playing with ordinary flowers, they are quite fancy. Even I feel a little regretful now, regretting why I didn't play with them." Become friends, why become enemies? If you become friends with them, then it might be such an interesting thing."

These words are a slap in the face.

"Hey, is this really the happiness of a rich person? No, I am also a rich person, and I have never felt such happiness. Now I really feel that I am a fake rich person."

 (End of this chapter)

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