Chapter 671 The heroine’s halo

 In the dead of night.

Su Nian, who was lying on the bed, quietly got out of bed.

 She walked to the balcony and looked at the stars in the sky.

 Actually, she still felt uneasy.

The appearance of Lan Min set off alarm bells in Su Nian.

In the past few months, she had been hiding in her old house in order not to have contact with Lan Shi, but she didn't expect that Lan Shi would show up anyway.

Su Nian lowered his head and touched his belly: "Mo Bao, Mo Bao, what you said in your previous life is right. Lan Min, the so-called heroine, is an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. She is always shameless. But don't worry, no matter how powerful Xiaoqiang is, , then I am also afraid of pesticides, I will definitely not let this heroine succeed, I will never let her succeed."

 At the end of the sentence, he patted his belly gently.

But during the day, Li Beichen's appearance appeared in Su Nian's mind.

 Li Beichen's words actually frightened her.

Bilanji made her feel scared.

Su Nian knew very well what this fear was.


 Whether it is this world or the so-called real world.

 She is all alone.

Even with Mo Bao in her previous life, she was still able to hold up the sky.

Since Su Nian can remember, he has known that he can only rely on himself and cannot rely on others. If he puts his hopes and ideas on others, it may be miserable.

Su Nian closed her eyes.

Standing under the night sky, I don’t know what I am thinking or what I should think.

Stand for a while.

Su Nian returned to bed.

But as soon as he lay down, he was hugged by someone.

 “Where have you been?” The man’s voice had a thick nasal sound, and he looked sleepy at first glance.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm just going to stand." Su Nian found a comfortable position in the man's arms and closed her eyes: "Maybe it's because I slept a little too much during the day, but I didn't feel sleepy at all when I woke up just now."


 Then, the world fell into silence again. However, in the darkness, the man who should have been sleeping soundly had no sleepiness in his eyes.

 And he kept his eyes open until dawn.


 Three days later.

Li Beichen just let Su Nian watch the video.

Moreover, Su Nian accidentally saw the video.

 The reason why it was accidental was because the appearance of Lan Min greatly stimulated Su Nian.

Li Beichen thought that if Su Nian got too emotional, he could just find some excuse to get the things away and then go there as a joke.

 So when Su Nian came to the computer and looked at the screen, his heart skipped a beat.

 When Su Nian finished watching the video.

Su Nian had helplessness on his face.

 That’s right, it’s helplessness.

Such an expression really made Li Beichen a little confused.

  Why is it so helpless?

  【The halo of the heroine. 】

  【The heroines in Mary Sue novels will have this aura. As long as she talks about herself, people around her will find her pitiful and credible. After all, in that Mary Sue novel, the heroine is not pure and unpretentious. How to reflect this pure and contrived nature. 】

  【In this case, there are some stupid authors who just write about how the supporting characters think the heroine is so innocent, and they feel particularly sorry for this heroine, hey】

 The halo of the heroine, Li Beichen fell into deep thought after getting the answer.

 At this moment, Su Nian's complaints continued.

  【However, Mo Bao thought of a way in his previous life. 】

Li Beichen looked over immediately.

  【Just to make Lan Min mute, hey, it was not easy in the previous life. 】

 The corners of Li Beichen's mouth raised.

 As expected of his son, what he did was good. (Mo Bao: I've done a good job. I have nothing to do with you, so don't put gold on your face.)

 (End of this chapter)

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