The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 683: Come on, come on, don't do it because I'm a delicate flower,

Chapter 683 Come on, come on, don’t pity me just because I am a delicate flower

Sun Yinger and Su Nian burst into laughter.

Su Nian’s belly is a little big now, so she holds her belly when she laughs.

When Lu Jing saw Lu Jing like this, he said thoughtfully: "You laugh, you still laugh, can you pay attention to your body when you laugh now? If you laugh like this, aren't you afraid that you will make the child laugh? Come out, if you really make the child laugh, what if Li Beichen really makes trouble for me? You know, that guy Li Beichen is not particular about anything. "

Lu Jing's words also reminded Sun Ying'er, and she immediately reached out to protect Su Nian's belly: "Nian Nian, have you forgotten that this pregnant woman cannot have too many emotional ups and downs. If there are too many emotional ups and downs, If you do, it might affect the baby in your belly, so don’t mess around.”

Lu Jing nodded seriously.

"I'm fine, sister, the child in my belly is not a delicate person." When Su Nian said this, her voice was full of pride. The reason for this was because she knew very clearly that her belly was Who will the children in it be in the future?

Mo Bao was not pretentious at all in his previous life. After he became sensible, he became very sensible.

Sun Ying'er breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Su Nian was in good condition.

No matter what the reason, she didn't want anything to happen to Su Nian's stomach.

When she was sure that Su Nian was fine, Sun Ying'er looked directly at Lu Jing: "Lu Jing, forget it, you don't have any brains at all. Why are you so brainless at this time?"

Lu Jing was really aggrieved. He didn't say anything, so why was he still being scolded?

How do you feel now? No matter what you say, you will get scolded.

But at this moment, Lu Jing thought of another thing: "By the way, two aunts, you are so smart, can you give me an idea and tell me what to do now?

I swear, if you two give me some advice to my nephew at this time, then you can do whatever you want, as long as you say it, then I will do it. "

Lu Jing said in a decisive tone. But when Sun Ying'er heard this, she laughed contemptuously: "Do you really think that we are stupid with this condition? What do you mean, if we are willing to show you the way, we will be willing to do whatever you want, just because you are now Is it difficult to think about what we want? Especially my family, Niannian. As long as she wants to, it will only take a matter of minutes for your Lu family to change their surname to Sun. If that is the case, then why should we help you? Is it because you eat too much?”

 Lu Jing:…

This sounds reasonable.


Lu Jing felt aggrieved when he thought of this.

Such aggrieved expression really made Sun Ying'er unable to bear it: "Okay, okay, what exactly are you going to say? Don't talk nonsense. Don't put on that posture. If you don't know, Then you thought Niannian and I did something to you."

 I didn’t expect that it would be better if Sun Ying’er didn’t say this.

After Sun Ying'er said this, Lu Jing said with a righteous expression: "Two aunts, you can do whatever you want with me." He even lay down directly on the ground when he said this.

 That’s right, he just lay down directly on the ground.

And closed his eyes: "Come on, come on, don't pity me because I am a delicate flower, come on, come on, come as you please, as long as you are happy, you can do anything to me."

I wrote about Lu Jing these two days because I was thinking about how to end the plot of my previous life, and I didn’t have much of a clue. I didn’t think about some things well. I didn’t mean to drag Lu Jing around. After all, the plot of my previous life was over, and Mo Bao was about to be born.



 (End of this chapter)

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