The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 689: Lu Jing: Shouldn’t it be for humanitarian comfort?

Chapter 689 Lu Jing: Shouldn’t you comfort me out of humanitarianism?

“Do you really think Sun Ying’er said it well?” Lu Jing walked up to Lan Min.

When Lan Zhen saw his actions, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

 But what Lu Jing said the next moment made her a little confused.

“Don’t you think this sounds familiar to you?”

These words confused Lan Min.

Lu Jing then continued: "Think about it, have you heard similar words somewhere, something very important."

Lan Min fell into deep thought after Lu Jing said this.

Lu Jing just stared at Lan Min.

 My heart was also successfully suspended.

Lan Min came back to his senses and saw Lu Jing like this, and he understood what was going on.

She just said, how could this Lu Jing say he was with Sun Ying'er, just be with Sun Ying'er. Doing this would definitely make him angry.

Thinking of this, Lan Min wanted to say something.

 But when the words came to his lips, Lan Zhen stopped.

Having been with Lu Jing for so long, she certainly knows what kind of temper Lu Jing is. As long as she expresses her concern for him here, then according to Lu Jing's temper, he will definitely try his best to entangle her. Now her relationship with Linyuan When a problem arises, there is no time to struggle with Lu Jing. Even at this time, if he struggles with Lu Jing, Linyuan may become even more angry.

After further consideration, Lan Yan swallowed the words that came to his lips: "No, I have never heard or said anything similar. Lu Jing, what do you mean by that?"

 “No?” Lu Jing murmured.

 “No, what’s the matter? Is there anything important?”

Lu Jing lowered his head and chuckled: "No, it's nothing important."

 After saying this, Lu Jing walked directly forward. Of course, Sun Ying'er felt that Lu Jing was not normal at this moment, so she subconsciously chased after him.

But I didn't expect that when Sun Ying'er had only taken a few steps, Lan Min's voice sounded: "Sun Ying'er, I don't know if you are sincere, but I really hope that Lu Jing can be happy. Of course, if someone wants to take advantage of me to If she cares about her and does something to hurt him, then I will definitely not let her go."

Sun Ying'er stopped when she heard this: "Lan Shi, don't you think it's ridiculous when you say this? What does it mean to not let it go? If I really did something sorry for Lu Jing, don't you What's the use of letting me go, you have no money, no power, no family background, we just want to kill you in a matter of minutes. "

 After saying that, he strode away quickly.

 When Sun Ying'er found Lu Jing, she felt as if she had found an abandoned puppy.

"What are you doing? Don't tell me. You're crying. You're a grown man. I really don't know what to say when you're like this." Sun Ying'er crossed her arms on her chest.

If it were any other time, when Lu Jing heard similar words, he would definitely stand up and contradict Sun Ying'er with a playful smile.

 But this time Lu Jing didn't react at all.

Sun Ying'er thought that it must be related to what Lu Jingrang said.

 She said nothing and sat directly next to Lu Jing.

Time passed like this little by little.

 I don’t know how long it took.

Lu Jingcai said: "Aunt Sun, do you think it's possible for me to make someone fall in love with me in this life?"

Sun Ying'er thought carefully for a while after hearing this, and finally said: "It's a little bit confusing."

 Lu Jing:…

Lu Jing then turned to look at Sun Ying'er: "Aunt Sun, didn't you see that I was feeling uncomfortable? I was in a bad mood. Don't you know that you should comfort me out of humanitarianism?"

 (End of this chapter)

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