Chapter 844 Lu Jing suddenly felt useless

When Sun Ying'er heard this, she immediately threw the things in her hands on the table: "What do you mean by this? Do you mean that I can only rely on men? If this is really what you think, then I hope you can disappear in front of me in the shortest possible time. If you don’t disappear, I really don’t know what I will do!”

Lu Jing was really innocent when he heard this: "Aunt Sun, what do you mean? What's wrong with me? I'm just worried about you, and you are so busy every day. I really feel that I am This place is just for you to cause trouble, which makes me feel a little embarrassed."

Sun Ying'er really didn't expect Lu Jing to say such words.

 Lu Jing actually still has such thoughts.

"If you really think so, then just don't appear in front of me."

But when Lu Jing heard this, he hurriedly shook his head: "How can that be done? If that's the case, then Aunt Sun, you don't know how much you miss me. How could I let such a thing happen? If I were If you don’t come, then you will definitely wonder how I could let you miss me.”

Sun Yinger looked at Lu Jing.

She really felt like Lu Jing had taken the wrong medicine now.

 It really feels like taking the wrong medicine.

 Always say that.

 “Why don’t you speak human language today.” 50.

"If I don't speak human language, then how can you, Aunt Sun, understand Aunt Sun? Aren't you very smart? Why don't you even know this?"

 Lu Jing was forgetful after saying this, and looked at Sun Ying'er with disgust.

 Such a look really made Sun Ying'er a little unbearable.

What does it mean,

This guy is really a bit too much.


When Lu Jing saw Sun Ying'er's face, he knew it was too much, and immediately said: "Aunt Sun, don't be angry. I was just talking and joking. Really, don't be angry. You have to know that you The more angry you are, the worse it will be. Women will age very quickly when they are angry. It is really not worth it for you to age quickly for someone like me. "

Sun Ying'er didn't say anything this time.   Just looking at the scenery quietly.

Such a look in his eyes really made Lu Jing feel uneasy.

 What's going on? Didn't the Internet say that women like bad men? He is so bad and witty, why is he like this?

Just when Lu Jing wanted to order something to lighten the atmosphere.

Sun Ying'er's voice sounded again: "Didn't I live like this before? But, in the end, there was nothing. I was not favored by the family at all. My role in the family was just a marriage, or even Apart from marriage, I have no use, but now I have my own career. To put it bluntly, even if my family feels that I have no so-called use value in the future, then there will be no so-called use for me. threaten."

Lu Jing was slightly stunned when he heard this.

 Why does he feel a little useless now?

 It’s a complete waste.

 When he realized this, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

But at this moment, Sun Ying'er thought of another thing.

Then he looked at him with a scrutinizing look: "But you just reminded me of another thing. You hang around me almost every day. Do you really have nothing to do?"

These words really stunned Lu Jing.

 “I can do anything.”

The more this happened, the more Sun Yinger became disgusted: "What can you do? You are in charge of a company after all. Is it possible that there will be any problems with the company just like this?"

 (End of this chapter)

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