Chapter 847 Like son, like father

"This is all your credit. If it weren't for you, then that brat in my family would definitely not be so diligent. It is no exaggeration to say that you are really a great benefactor to my family."

 Great benefactor…

When Sun Ying'er heard this, she quickly said: "No, no, you really went too far. I am not that powerful, but Mr. Lu is. In fact, Mr. Lu is very powerful. Mr. Lu has done a lot. Something that impressed me.”

How can I put it this way? It’s really weird to praise Lu Jing like this.

I really didn’t expect that one day she would praise Lu Jing, even out loud.

But Father Lu knew his son very well: "Hey, Miss Sun, you really don't need to praise me like this. I know my son's virtues better than anyone else. The more you behave like this, the more embarrassed I feel."

 “That can.”

“Okay, I won’t talk nonsense to you anymore, let’s get down to business.”

Down to business, when she heard these two words, Sun Ying'er suddenly felt bad.

What does Lu Jing’s father want to do?

 Really don’t mess around.

 Then I saw Father Lu hand over something similar to a book.

“These things can be regarded as a meeting gift from me, the older brother, to you, my little sister.”

 Meeting gift.

If the education she had never received told her that she needed to take care of her own self-cultivation, then Sun Ying'er might have shown a surprised expression.

 An expression like that of a monkey. "These are the things I think are suitable for you at the recent auction. Can you take a look? Since Lu Jing's mother passed away, I really haven't had any contact with women, so I really don't know what you women like. , I just bought some.”

"Lu...Mr. Lu, there shouldn't be any problem if I call you this, but you really don't need to be so polite. I really haven't done anything. I really can't accept these things from you. If I really If you accept it, then I..."

At this moment, Father Lu suddenly changed the topic: "Actually, I don't give you these things for nothing. I also have my own purpose."

This couldn't help but make Sun Ying'er feel relieved subconsciously.

"My purpose is very simple. I hope you can teach my Lu Jing well, tell my Lu Jing what to do, and teach my Lu Jing well." Father Lu sighed after saying this: "I know, I know that what I said is really a bit too much. After all, as Lu Jing's father, how can I expect you to do something that I, Lu Jing's father, can't do, but I really have no choice. Now I still have some ability and can still support the company. What if something happens to me? Although Lu Jing does seem to be a bit of a jerk, he is my biological son. "

Sun Ying'er listened obediently.

 But what I was thinking about was.

 She finally understood why Lu Jing was so virtuous.

 It turns out that like son, like father.

Although Father Lu had no problem when he said this, the key point is that Lu Jing, his son, is now in his twenties. In a few years, he may be thirty years old. To entrust such a good old man to To others, even complete strangers.

 This is something a normal person can do.

Ahhhhhhhhh, Sun Ying'er is really curious about what evil she has done.

 Why should you let yourself encounter such a thing?

 (End of this chapter)

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