Chapter 854 Sun Yinger’s good intentions

 Lu Jing didn’t think it was anything when he heard Sun Ying’er say other things.

Even felt that Sun Ying'er might be alarmist.

 But when he heard Huo Linyuan, he immediately lost his composure: "What are you talking about, would Huo Linyuan really do this? Is he really that courageous?"

Sun Yinger knew she had found the right solution when she saw Lu Jing like this.

Now Sun Ying'er really feels a little stupid.

 Why couldn’t I think of such a method before?

 In the eyes of Lu Jing, if it weren't for Huo Linyuan, that woman Lan Min would definitely choose him, so Huo Linyuan is his enemy, an absolute enemy.

If you want to use Huo Linyuan to stimulate Lu Jing, then it will definitely be possible.

"If there was an opportunity to annex the Huo family and **** Lan Min away, would you give up this opportunity?"

Lu Jing immediately shook his head: "No, how could I give up this opportunity? Not only would I not, maybe I would cherish this opportunity."

Sun Ying'er was a little satisfied now.

This Lu Jing is a bit silly.

  But I still know a little bit about the affairs of various aristocratic families.

"Lu Jing, if I remember correctly, you are 25 this year. If you round up, you will be thirty. They say you stand at thirty. Do you really want to be like this?"

“Aunt Sun, did you say that? Don’t you really think this is a bit too exaggerated?”

"Why do you think I am exaggerating? What I say is obviously the actual situation. You don't have to believe it, but you have to bear the consequences of not believing it. Can you really bear this consequence? Are you not as good as Huo Linyuan in this life? Do you hope that your descendants will not be as good as Huo Linyuan? You have been suppressed by Huo Linyuan in this life. Do you think you want such a life, or are you just willing to live such a life? If you really want to live such a life, then What I say to you now is nonsense, so just treat my words as if they mean nothing.

Sun Ying'er didn't even take a breath when saying this in order to achieve the effect.

But it is still useful to talk like this.

Lu Jing looked at Sun Ying'er blankly: "Aunt Sun, what you said makes sense, quite reasonable." "If that's the case, then you know what you should do."

"I know, thank you very much, thank you for telling me this." Lu Jing turned around and left after saying this.

 Sun Ying'er looked at Lu Jing's back and wondered if it was a bit of an illusion.

 She actually felt that this Lu Jing was a little mature.

Sun Yinger smiled softly when she thought of this.

 If possible, then she really hopes that Lu Jing can become mature.

 In this way, Lu Jing did not appear in front of Sun Ying'er for the next three days.

 That’s right, it’s three days.

 Why is there so much emphasis on three days?

  Exactly three days later, Lu Jing appeared in front of Sun Ying'er again.

 And he looked pitiful again.

This pitiful look really made Sun Ying'er feel like her scalp was numb. It really felt like her scalp was numb.

"what happened again?"

"I don't know how to deal with the company's affairs." Lu Jing said aggrievedly.

This aggrieved look really made Sun Ying'er speechless: "You don't know how, why are you asking me? If you encounter something you don't know how to do, shouldn't you go to your father and let your father teach you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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