Chapter 860 Need to be a good example

 After putting clothes on Su Nian.

Li Beichen held the child tightly in his arms.

 Then he ran towards the house.

Mo Bao, who was held in his arms, was really a little speechless.

 Is this...the so-called method? ,

  Tear... Mo Bao is a little lucky that he is in good health. If his health were a little worse, he would really be angry.

 Is there something wrong with his father’s brain?

With so many servants at home, can’t we just shout a few times?

This dad is really unreliable at critical moments.

 The final result.

 It was Li Beichen who started coughing.

Li Beichen is in good health, so he just has a simple cough.

 But that was before.

 It’s different now.

 Now that we have Mo Bao, we need to know that the child's physical resistance is not very good to begin with, and Mo Bao is already so young.

Su Nian immediately took the child away after seeing Li Beichen coughing.

 Go directly to the old house.

 Before leaving, he glanced at Li Beichen.

 Obviously it was just a simple glance.

 But it made Li Beichen really feel a little guilty.

He didn’t expect that he was so unsatisfied.

Just a little wind will make me catch a cold.

However, Li Beichen didn't feel anything wrong in his heart. After all, Su Nian and Mo Baoshui couldn't help anyone get sick.

 After Su Nian, mother and son left.

Li Beichen fell asleep after taking the medicine.

But before falling asleep, Li Beichen naively thought that it would be fine if he woke up.

 After all, he really doesn’t want to stay alone in an empty room. This feeling is really not good.

Time passed slowly like this, and when Li Beichen fell asleep, he felt hands on his forehead.

Although Li Beichen is sick now, he is still vigilant.

 I felt sober for a long time.

 Unexpectedly, he saw Su Nian.

 “Why are you here?”

Su Nian was confused when he heard this: "What do you mean? Why can't I be here? If I'm not here, where else would I be? What you said is really strange."

“But didn’t you take Mo Bao to the old house?”

"That's right, I just took Mo Bao to the old house, and then, couldn't I come back? Do you think I forgot that in addition to being a mother, I am also a wife?"

  【What I said is really funny, I feel very irresponsible. 】

【However, when he said this, he really felt as if Li Beichen had been abandoned by others, hahaha, I really want to see a bit of pity. 】

 When Su Nian was complaining in his heart.

Li Beichen directly hugged the person into his arms.

Even though Li Beichen knew clearly that Su Nian came back only because of responsibility.

 But he was still very happy.

 That’s right, men need to be responsible for everything.

  But it’s still a bit fragile when it’s time to be vulnerable.

Today, when Su Nian was sending Mo Bao to her old house, something seemed to be going on in her heart, and she always felt a little uneasy.

That feeling really gets more and more as we get closer to the old house.

 Now I see Li Beichen like this.

Su Nian knew it was time to come back.

This made Su Nian couldn't help but said to Li Beichen: "I know you may dislike me for being a bit nagging, but I really want to say that it's really not good for you to be like this. Why do you feel so worried about me?" Mo Bao, you are Mo Bao’s father, I think you should set a good example for Mo Bao.”

 (End of this chapter)

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