Chapter 931 Su Nian’s little tsundere

Su Nian subconsciously wanted to laugh when he saw Li Beichen like this.

 But Su Nian took control.

She frowned deliberately on the surface: "What do you mean by this? How do you feel that if I don't kiss you, you will continue to be angry."

“Mrs. Li, is this your coaxing attitude?”

"What's wrong with my coaxing attitude? Is there anything wrong with my coaxing attitude? Humph. I" Although Su Nian said this, he actually kissed Li Beichen on the face.

But I didn't expect Mo Bao's milky voice: "Mom, this dad is really not good at all. Why can't I change my dad? Mo Bao wants a new dad."

How could Mo Bao next to him be in a good mood?

You know, he was just trying to make his father look bad, but he wanted to see his father take advantage of this opportunity.

  And I originally wanted to help my mother complete the idea that she had not completed in her previous life, and find many fathers for her.

 Now it would be better if my mother could understand her filial piety.

Thinking of this, Mo Bao walked up to Su Nian with a serious expression on his face and said, "Mom, this dad is not good. Mo Bao can find many ways for you in the future. All kinds of dads will have them."

Su Nian:…

Li Beichen:…

Su Nian looked at his son seriously.

Although Su Nian knew very well how smart his son was, this was really a bit too smart...

 It has only been a short time since I learned to speak, and now I can say so much.     And he also said this...

Su Nian couldn't help but look at Li Beichen: "Beichen, should we take Mo Bao to see him? This child is a bit too smart."

It is true that every parent hopes that their child will be the smartest child in the world, but Su Nian also understands the principle of being too smart early to become a demon.

 Compared with being smart, Su Nian hoped that Mo Bao would be healthy.

Li Beichen naturally understood what Su Nian meant, and then he smiled and walked up to Su Nian: "I also think our child is too smart, but if you think about it carefully, you can understand why he is so smart. , after all, he is our only child, how can our only child be an ordinary child."

But just as Li Beichen finished speaking, Mo Bao's voice sounded again: "I am so smart obviously because I am my mother's son, hum."

When Li Beichen heard this, he came to Mo Bao without hesitation and directly lifted Mo Bao up: "I really feel that I spoil you a little too much now, so you, a brat like you, can be so bold." Having said this, he looked at Su Nian: "I really love this brat, but you have to think about it, if we don't discipline this brat properly, if he really learns badly in the future, then everything will be ruined." Didn’t it hit our hands?”

Su Nian laughed immediately when he heard this.

 Hum, how could my calligraphy skills be bad? 】

  【My Mo Bao is the most outstanding child in the world, how could he say bad things? 】

It doesn’t matter if Li Beichen looks down on my calligraphy now. In the future, if his calligraphy becomes better, he will smash this guy’s face into pieces when the time comes. 】

When Su Nian thought of this, an arrogant expression appeared on his face.

 (End of this chapter)

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