Chapter 933 Lan Min’s Use in the Company

 Lan Min can be regarded as successfully entering the Li family... and successfully becoming the mascot of the Li family group.

   Lan Min knew it very clearly.

This makes Lan Min, who wants to find something that can make Huo Linyuan feel valuable from here, a little anxious.

But what makes Lan Yan feel a little strange is that Su Nian doesn't come to this company at all.

  Completely stuck with that design company.

 This made Lan Min couldn't help but wonder what this Su Nian was doing.

Is Su Nian really not interested in the rights of the Li Group?

But as soon as this idea appeared, Lan Min gave it up. After all, with Su Nian's temperament, how could he not care.

Su Nian must be planning something else now.

 Lan Yan felt that he had to be more careful.

So now even though everyone around her looks at Lan Zhen in a wrong way, Lan Zhen just pretends that she has not seen anything.

 Lan Jian thought, how could a person who achieved great things not be wronged, and how could he go smoothly?

 When she completes everything, everyone's views will change in minutes.

Lanji took a deep breath and continued walking.

 What is Lan Min doing now?

 Now of course Lan Min is doing the only thing she can do in this company.


 That’s right, it’s a stroll.

Before, Lan Min was working in Su Nian's design company and had some chores, but now Lan Min is in the Li Group.

 Nothing at all.

 There is not even an office. Originally, Lan Min wanted to go to Li Beichen's office.

 But Li Beichen's office was firmly locked.

 There was no possibility for her to get close at all.

 In such a situation, what else can Lan Zhi do, other than to keep wandering.

But Lan Zhen felt that wandering around like this was not an option.

 But Li Jianhong didn't see her at all, and even other so-called directors wouldn't pay attention to her.

  With no other choice, Lan Zhi had no choice but to go to Lin Na.

After hearing Lan Min's request, Lin Na asked back: "What do you want? Do you want the entire Li Group to be in your hands now? Do you think it is possible?"

Lan Min shook his head.

"That's not the end. If that's the case, then why are you struggling? You can just stroll around the Li Group."

But Lan Min was anxious: "What you said is very light. How much effort did Linyuan put into sending me to the Li Group? If I gain nothing, what will Linyuan think? Linyuan will definitely I feel useless.”

"Not necessarily. If you exist in this company now, you are useful, and you are of great use. Your wandering around in this company is evidence that Li Beichen, the CEO, is messing around. Now Li's stock market is starting to fluctuate. If my guess is correct, Mr. Huo has not appeared in front of you in recent days, and this is the reason. "

This Lanzi doesn't know.

"So, what you have to do now is to make trouble, make trouble as hard as possible, and make the Li family more chaotic, the better. If it is more chaotic, then Mr. Huo will be better able to acquire the Li family. Think about it, if Mr. Huo really If it succeeds, then you will be an absolute hero.”

"Really?" When Lan Yan heard this, he felt a little confused, and even felt that Lin Na was coaxing him.

But Lan Yan still felt that Lin Na was coaxing her.

 But even so, Lan Min has no choice. She can only rely on Lin Na now.

 (End of this chapter)

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